Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Elements of the Authors World Present in Utopian Fiction...
In Samuel Butlers Erewhon, a traveler finds a land that is not totally unlike his own society, but he soon discovers that they have a very different culture from his. By using the failings of Erewhonian society, the author draws the readers attention to flaws of his own society. This device is used in other works studied this semester, by creating a world that is not completely different from the authors own in an effort to make society realize its faults. Thomas Mores Utopia is similar to Erewhon because it makes commentary on certain social issues of his time, disguised as a story about a different culture. George Orwells 1984 and Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale were also written based on the societies in which the†¦show more content†¦From this it becomes apparent that knowledge should be useful, and the acquisition of such language should be carried out in an effective manner. In other words, performance and practice prevailing over pure theory (Bisenz 18). The y are also taught a hypothetical language which does not have any use in the real world, but is nevertheless taught to all students. This is a parody against the enforced study of Greek and Latin in England, and the Victorian cultural appropriation of ancient Greek to undergrid ideologies of class difference and colonial conquest (Whitmarsh 67). Butler calls attention to the religious hypocrisy shown by people of his own society in some Erewhonian practices. The narrator states in spite of all the to-day they make about their idols, and the temples they build, and the priests and priestesses whom they support, I could never think that their professed religion was more than skin deep (Butler 87). He is referring here to Erewhons state religion, which he conceives to be very superficial because of the displays made of it. On the other hand, Ydgrun is the goddess that most people actually believe in, but publicly, they often deny her and are ashamed of her. Their actions however, serve her accordingly. TheShow MoreRelatedChris Pawling2932 Words  | 12 PagesIntroduction: Popular Fition: Ideology or Utopia? Christopher Pawling Popular Fiction and Literary criticism * Despite the growth of interest in popular fiction, it has been difficult to introduce courses on them in college and university syllabi because it is still not considered as mainstream literature, just a minor or peripheral genre. * The self-definition of English literature depends heavily on what is absent from its field- its significant other- popular literature or paraliteratureRead MoreWomen s Dream By Rokeya Shekhawat Hossain Essay1751 Words  | 8 PagesWhile feminists have been using literature to spread their beliefs and to advocate gender equality for centuries, science fiction as a genre is traditionally masculinist in its approach to the ideology of humanity. Within science fiction texts, human values are frequently represented by white male protagonists who become capable of overcoming natural limitations while women are reduced to insignificant supporting roles. Feminism seeks to counter such sexist depictions of humanity, and although suchRead MoreEssay about The Power of Horace McCoy’s They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?2674 Words  | 11 Pagesorder to discuss such reiteration and negation of Modernist themes in the novel, a brief discussion of Modernism is necessary. The ter m ‘Modernism’ refers to the drastic shift in aesthetic and cultural values of art and literature following the First World War. The movement marked a noticeable break from the ordered, stable and inherently ‘meaningful’ texts of the nineteenth century and from Victorian optimism, instead presenting a profoundly pessimistic picture of society. In literature, Modernism becameRead MoreThe Sonnet Form: William Shakespeare6305 Words  | 26 Pagesanswer. In the following Petrarchan sonnet, John Keats’s â€Å"On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer,†the octave describes past eventsâ€â€the speaker’s previous, unsatisfying examinations of the â€Å"realms of gold,†Homer’s poemsâ€â€while the sestet describes the presentâ€â€the speaker’s sense of discovery upon finding Chapman’s translations: Much have I travell’d in the realms of gold,    And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;    Round many western islands have I been Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold. Read MoreVictorian Novel9605 Words  | 39 Pagesframe the period of Victorian literature, it is commonly accepted that it was the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) that saw the novel emerge and flourish, all the more that the 1937 was the year when Dickens’ Oliver Twist, the first major work of fiction. The first readers of both, Dickens and Eliot were not conscious they lived in the ‘Victorian period’. They thought that this was a modern era marked with turbulent transition. However, the most crucial writers of the period grew up in the earlierRead More The Death of the ‘Authorlessness Theory’? Essay6470 Words  | 26 Pagessomething other than Judy Chicago’s discourse with her suggestion. Chicago writes, â€Å"[Susan and I] decided to embroider each woman’s name on the front of her runner, which would drop over the viewers’ side of the table,†adding a significant visual element to the project. Another major creative contributor to the project was Ken Gilliam, who â€Å"began by designing the flatware and eventually designed the entire installation of The Dinner Party, along with numerous objects, tools, and machines the pieceRead MoreAn Analysis of H.G. Wells’ Short Stories â€Å"Mr Skelmersdale in Fairyland†, â€Å"the Door in the Wall†and â€Å"a Dream of Armageddon†14742 Words  | 59 PagesWorks Cited............................................................................................................. 32 2 â€Å"I have dreamed a dream†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Lars Wallner, Autumn 2008 Introduction Everyone has dreams; dreams of a better life, another world, an escape from reality. Sometimes it is these dreams that motivate us, that make us struggle, that keep us going. But is that all they are? What if the dreams were something more? What if we could realise those dreams and go into them? As a writerRead MoreEssay on Silent Spring - Rachel Carson30092 Words  | 121 Pagesis an imprint of The Gale Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Gale and Design ® and Thomson Learning are trademarks used herein under license. The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beachams Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction: Social Concerns, Thematic Overview, Techniques, Literary Precedents, Key Questions, Related Titles, Adaptations, Related Web Sites.  © 1994-2005, by Walton Beacham. The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from BeachamsRead MoreCritics of Novel 1984 by George Orwell14914 Words  | 60 Pagesdeeds bring Winston into the eye o f the opposition, who then must reform the nonconformist. George Orwells 1984 introduced the watchwords for life without freedom: BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. Written by: George Orwell Type of Work: novel Genres: utopian literature; social criticism First Published: 1949 Setting: Oceania Main Characters: Winston Smith; Julia; OBrien; Big Brother/Emmanuel Goldstein Major Thematic Topics: mutability of the past; the existence of fact through memory; memory; history;Read MoreRomanticism and Modernism as Strange Bedfellows: A Fresh Look at Jack Kerouacs On the Road12240 Words  | 49 Pagesfrom a series of notebooks that documented his travels across the United States and Mexico. These notes were compiled and fictionalized into a bildungsroman tale of two young men who were searching the back roads, tiny hamlets and big cities of post-World War II America. This became the critically acclaimed novel, On the Road. At the center are two young men, Sal Paradise (Kerouac), a college student, and an unpublished writer from New Jersey, and Dean Moriarty (Neal Cassady), a philosophizing, womanizer-car-thief
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Rights Of The Civil War - 1848 Words
The democracy we know today would not exist without an evolution of liberties and freedoms. The advancement of freedoms resulted from the changes in the British government. Moving from the Civil War to the Revolution, there are several forms of liberties presented. Before colonization, the first signs of freedom can be seen in the Magna Carta. The signed Magna Carta prevented the â€Å"tyrannical monarch- King John. W†from abusing his powers (Synan). Feeling threatened by John’s powers, Englishmen formed a regulation known as Habeas Corpus, which would protect themselves from unjust persecutions. Habeas Corpus allows the accused a right to a trial before prosecution. Englishmen were finally taking a stand for their freedom when they created this law. Habeas Corpus could be seen as the first sign of democracy s formation (Synan). Still, Habeas Corpus constitutes a large part of today’s democracy. Englishmen were finally beginning to understand government should have power limitations. As leaders turned over, King Charles began to rule over England. Both him and his wife Henrietta, a disciple of Christianity, caused great animosity toward the King (Stax 96). Not only was the man hated for his religious practices but, he also ruled with divine rights. Meaning, King Charles ruled through God’s actions. In a society established on Protestantism, Englishmen felt Christians were untrustworthy beings (Synan). Discovering a sense liberty, but more so, a religious freedom, theShow MoreRelatedCivil Rights And The Civil War2180 Words  | 9 PagesCivil Rights has been fought for many years. African Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans and even Native Americans had to fight for their rights. Several were punished to jail, and some were found dead. African American played a huge role since the Civil War Era to the 20th century. African American always looked for their constitutional rights. One of the key of development of the 1950’s was the struggle of many Americans for equal rights. The civil rights movement became a major turningRead MoreCivil Rights And The Civil War1986 Words  | 8 Pagesthe Civil war in the late mid 1800’s constitutional amendments were made to abolish slavery, give former slaves citizenship and give the right to vote regardless of race. Even though these laws were passed throughout the rest of the 1800’s and 1900’s segregation of race was a major part of the lifestyle of southern states in America. From area that was built on slavery and use a human labor, accepting change wasn’t an easy task for southerners. It wasn’t until 1964 that an actual Civil Rights ActRead MoreThe Civil Rights Of The Vietnam War1701 Words  | 7 Pagesthemselves protesting against the Vietnam War. The lack of civil rights in the U.S deterred many blacks from supporting Vietnam, a conflict aimed at liberating the rights o f another people. African Americans were frustrated with a country who fought for other citizens and saw no purpose in fighting for a peoples’ freedom but their own. Although African-Americans were specifically discriminated against both in Vietnam and America, they were not alone in their anti-war position. The majority of the AmericanRead MoreThe War Of The Civil Rights Movement1476 Words  | 6 PagesThe 1950s was a decade of prosperity, the economy was booming, military was strong, the beginning of the civil rights movement. In the 1960s the decade involved protest, the war in Vietnam, the fight for civil rights, and JFK. Then came the 1970s and it was known as the time of peace and love, equality for all, the ongoing war in Vietnam, and Nixon. Each decade after one another affected the next with foreign policy, domestic policy, politics, political leadership, the economy, and the social termsRead MoreThe American Civil War And The Civil Rights Movement1725 Words  | 7 PagesAmerican Civil War (1861-1865), major changes which were crucial to the establishment of African Americans in the American society took place. Before the bloody war, slaves were comprised of thirteen percent of the total population of the United States. The treatments they receive from their masters ranged from generous to abusive. The issue of slavery was becoming more and more apparent in social, economic, and most importantly political aspects of the country. In fact, even before the war startedRead MoreRight After The Civil War892 Words  | 4 PagesIn the 1870s, right after the Civil war was over, begins a important period of time for African Americans.Previously, in 1865 the 13th amendment was added to the constitution, which abolishes slavery in the United States. Now, African Americas are free for the first time. However, they realized that there is not point to have freedom if they lack of economic support or equal oportunities than other citizens have. Is o n 1868, that the 14th amedment is ratified, which states that all persons born inRead MoreCivil Rights Movement During The Civil War960 Words  | 4 PagesCivil Rights Movement With the winning of the Civil War still in the minds of many, conducting interviews of previous slaves intrigued those wanting to know what it was like being a slave. With the interview there is a look inside the life of, a woman still in her childhood, what her life was like, and how she dealt with being a slave. The life of a slave was no easy feat, but with perseverance many made it to the wars end, although life still has many hardships for the Freedman today. The interviewRead MoreThe American Civil War And The Civil Rights Movement1539 Words  | 7 PagesIn elementary school, students study the Civil War, and the Civil Rights movement. Teachers speak about slavery and racism as if it were a thing of the past; and juvenile minds are lead to believe that Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream has finally come true. But as these futile minds mature, they encounter different versions of this â€Å"dream†. Caucasian faces may live to believe the world is a blissful place, but scoff at the waitress who struggles to speak english. Brown faces may look at the homosexualRead MoreThe American Civil War And The Civil Rights Movement901 Words  | 4 Pages(Piersen 1996: 24). However, the controversy over slavery was a hotly debated topic in American society, leading eventually to the American Civil War (1861-1865), which finally brought slavery to an end. After the emancipation, overcoming slavery s legacy remained a crucial issue in Am erican history, from Reconstruction following the war to the Civil Rights Movement a century later. The practice of slavery dates to prehistoric times, although its institutionalization probably firstRead MoreThe Cold War Civil Rights Movement1660 Words  | 7 Pagesgoal in mind, their pride played a heavy factor in the determination of them reaching that goal or falling short. In many instances, the pride of many outweighed that of the main contributor and history was changed in the course of it. The Cold War Civil Rights movement is an excellent example of when pride gets the best of us and we act on it without thought.†The external struggle of two powerhouse nations led all attention to the elaborate details of those countries, while the internal struggle within
Friday, May 15, 2020
Nurture Plays a More Dominant Role in Humans Development...
Humans are unique and intricate creatures and their development is a complex process. It is this process that leads people to question, is a child’s development influenced by genetics or their environment? This long debate has been at the forefront of psychology for countless decades now and is better known as â€Å"Nature versus Nurture†. The continuous controversy on whether or not children develop their psychological attributes based on genetics (nature) or the way in which they have been raised (nurture) has pondered the minds of psychologists for years. Through thorough experiments, studies, and discussions however, it is easy to see that nurture is far more important in the development of a human than nature. The Nature versus Nurture argument can be traced back many millenniums ago. In 350 B.C., philosophers asked the same question on human behaviour. Plato and Aristotle were two philosophers that each had two diverse views on the matter. Plato believed that knowledge and behaviour were due to inherent factors, but environmental factors still played a role in the equation. Conversely, Aristotle had different views. He believed in the idea of â€Å"Tabula Rasa†. The Blank Slate theory supported the nurture side of the argument and believed that everyone was born with a ‘Tabula Rasa’, Latin for ‘Blank Slate’. He proposed that â€Å"people learn and acquire ideas from external forces or the environment†. In other words, he believed that the mind is a blank slate and it is ourShow MoreRelatedNature Vs. Nurture : An Individual s Criminal Behavior Essay1753 Words  | 8 PagesThe objective of this study is to examine whether it is nature or nurture who plays the most vital role in a human’s behavior, specifically an individual’s criminal behavior. Criminal behavior is defined as an act or failure to act in a way that violates public law. Some believe that criminal behavior can be identified as early as conception, meaning that criminal behavior is because of your genes. While others believe that one’s upbringing and social learning environment directly contributes toRead MoreCritically Comp are How the Nature-Nurture Debate Has Been Addressed by Three Different Researchers or Schools or Thought in Psychology and/or Philosophy. at Least One of the Researchers/Schools Must Have Been Active Before the 20th Century.2285 Words  | 10 Pagescompare how the nature-nurture debate has been addressed by three different researchers or schools or thought in Psychology and/or Philosophy. At least one of the researchers/schools must have been active before the 20th century. Theories whose fundamental understanding of human behaviour focuses on characteristics in which, we are born with like our genetic make-up, stable personality traits, and physical predispositions are Naturists. In contrast theorists who are on the nurture side of this debateRead MoreChildren and Their Imgainary Play2148 Words  | 9 Pageslevel of intelligence through their play. It opens new possibilities in thinking and develops emotional intelligence making their feelings manageable. Play also helps build a sense of self and relationships with others. One type of play that has an important role on a child’s development is imaginative play. In this essay I will focus on what imaginative play is, the types of imaginary play, skills and attributes imaginary play develops and the roles practitioners play in helping a child develop theirRead MoreFreedom of Speech, Comparing Freedom of Expression in the Statutory Law and the Sharia Law19992 Words  | 80 Pagesbecause it co nsists of acts and articles which organise most issues in the human’s life in a way that protects ethics and morals. Regardless of the hypocrisy and double-standards of the countries which raise high the slogan of Human Rights, I liked the Human Rights Conventions that were laid down by these countries. Therefore, I decided to research some points in these conventions that are related to my study in order to nurture my knowledge in this great field of the human sciences. Then, I thought
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparing Invisible Man and Brave New World Essay
Comparing Invisible Man and Brave New World Both Ellison’s The Invisible Man and Aldous Huxleys Brave New World are political in nature, and at this level, seem completely dissimilar. The Invisible Man attempts to illuminate the social entrapment of Black Americans, while Brave New World cautions against an over-reliance on technology and the amorality it can potentially inspire. At a deeper level, however, both books are also about the status of the individual in society, and it is here that there is a remarkable similarity between the two novels. In both The Invisible Man and Brave New World, we see men fighting against societies that devalue their individuality and thereby lessen their sense of identity and self†¦show more content†¦All novels are about certain minorities, says Ellison the individual is a minority. The universal in the novel - and isnt that what were all clamoring for these days? - is reached only through the description of the specific man in a specific circumstance (Graham and Singh, 9). Huxley says something along the same lines in the forward to the anniversary issue of Brave New World when he says the theme of Brave New World is not the advancement of science as such; it is the advancement of science as it affects human individuals (Huxley, 16). Both statements suggest that Ellison and Huxley are more concerned about the state of the individual than the state of society, and this is an important distinction for one of the more subtle points of both novels is that the health of society is determ ined by the health of the individuals of which it is composed. The sickness inherent in both societies becomes apparent early on. In Invisible Man, Ellison erects a classed society in which a select group of people use the narrator for their own selfish purposes, refusing to see the inherent individual worth beyond the color of his skin. One of our first examples of this is when Mr. Norton, the wealthy supporter of the Institute the narrator attends, describes how the students there are all building blocks in his destiny. I mean that upon you depends the outcome of the years I have spent in helping your school, says Mr.Show MoreRelated Myth of Courage Exposed in The Things They Carried Essay2662 Words  | 11 PagesAh for a young man all looks fine and noble if he goes down in war, hacked to pieces under a slashing bronze blade he lies there dead. . .but whatever death lays bare all wounds are marks of glory. (Homer 22.83-87)  As students we are brainwashed by ancient myths such as The Iliad, where war is extolled and the valorous warrior praised. Yet, modern novels such as Tim OBriens The Things They Carried (THINGS) challenge those very notions. Like The Iliad, THINGS is about war. It isRead MoreShakespeares use of soliloquies to present Macbeth and Hamlet2032 Words  | 9 PagesMacbeth to be incredibly dissimilar. Hamlet appears discouraged with life; he comes across very melancholy and theatrical. At the beginning of the play, Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet, has recently died, and his mother, Queen Gertrude, has married the new king, Hamlet’s uncle Claudius. Hamlet is dejected, astringent, and sceptical, full of hatred for his uncle and disgust at his mother for marrying him. This is very contradictory to the first portrayal of Macbeth. At the begging of the play, Macbeth isRead MoreThe Help Ex De Texte Essay4435 Words  | 18 Pagesgoes to Aibileen, Elizabeth’s colored m aid, for help. She and Aibileen develop a close relationship over time through the columns. She comes up with the idea to write a controversial book with points of views from the help with encouragement from a New York editor and memories from her own maid, Constantine. Hilly Holbrook, who was one of Skeeter’s best friends, provides her with motivation after strongly imposing segregation with her bathroom sanitation initiative. Aibileen Clark, the Leefolt’sRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird Compared with Jasper Jones4580 Words  | 19 PagesIntroduction Prejudice refers to the judgements towards a person because of their race, social class, age, disability or sexual orientation. (Cherry, â€Å"What is Prejudice?†) Prejudice was, and still is, to a large extent experienced by people all over the world. It is a theme that is presented in so many works of literature in a plethora of different ways. One of the most prominent ways in which prejudice is explored is through the use of characters that perhaps are a different nationality or have a differentRead MoreExtensive Reader4330 Words  | 18 Pagesaffectation†(artificial behavior that is intended to impress) 4. One can apply this to learn any foreign language. MY LOST DOLLAR STEPHEN LEACOCK Stephen Leacock was one of the most popular humorists in the English – speaking world. The author began the article by telling that his friend Todd owed him a dollar. Todd had owed it to the author for twelve months. It was clear that Todd had forgotten to return it. Leacock proceeded to describe the incident when Todd borrowed theRead MoreComparing The Ways Writer Present Doubts, Uncertainties And Conflict On The Minds Of The Characters4552 Words  | 19 Pagessophisticated. They tend to write about these 3 topics commonly due to the fact that practically everyone has experienced this sort of emotion. Poetry has existed since man could write, to Aristotle, to Victorian times and now to the present day where it is internationally used. Poems are now used to promote movements for the benefit of the world, varying from poverty to the sustainability of the environment; of which most have been successful due to poetry being able to connect with the reader, even if theyRead MoreComparing The Novels Lord Of The Flies And Heart Of Darkness4107 Words  | 17 Pagestwo books and what can be observed from comparing works of essentially different world perspectives – one was published in 1902 and the other in 1954 – and wholly differen t environments and situations. Just as a simple example, there were no airplanes in the time of Conrad s protagonist, vs. an airplane crash setting up the whole scenario for Golding s characters. This report analyses the character Kurtz from ‘Heart of Darkness’ by Joseph Conrad, comparing him to Jack, a character in William Golding’sRead MoreEssay William Goldings Lord of the Flies4998 Words  | 20 Pagestime was World War II when the plane the boys were in was shot down leaving young survivals on a deserted island without any adults. The whole story is about what happens during their stay on the island representing metaphoric ideas of humanity in each incident as Golding describes. Golding has reportedly said that he wrote the novel in response to his personal war experiences. â€Å" (The war)†¦ taught us not fighting, politics or the follies of nationalism, but about the given nature of man.†(Golding)Read MoreChild Soldiers: Converting Innocen t Children into Armed Killers3196 Words  | 13 Pagesâ€Å"I would like to give you a message, please do your best to tell the world what is happening to us, the children. So that other children do not have to pass through this violence.†These are the words of a 15-year-old girl in Uganda. Like her, there are an estimated 300,000 children under the age of eighteen who are serving as child soldiers in about thirty-six conflict zones (Shaikh). Life on the front lines often brings children face to face with the horrors of war. Too many childrenRead MoreAlexander Pope Essay6204 Words  | 25 Pagesten years he devoted to this arduous project, he produced very few new poems of his own but refined his taste in literature (and his moral, social, and political opinions) to an incredible degree. When he later recommenced to write original poetry, Pope struck a more serious tone than the one he gave to The Rape of the Lock. These later poems are more severe in their moral judgments and more acid in their satire: Popes Essay on Man is a philosophical poem on metaphysics, ethics, and human nature,
The Reasons Behind the World’s Hatred for the US Essay
Many non-Americans, who regularly watch American movies and TV shows, listen to American music, wear clothes of American brands, get very agitated when this topic comes up. Even though they immerse themselves in all American aspects of life, the majority of them still show an open, unabashed hatred for the US. One of the major reasons for this resentment is because those movies and TV shows and news channels almost always portray the US in a negative light, subtly implying as though the US was the root of all evil, which is run by giant faceless corporations bent on doing nothing but increasing their revenue, by any means possible; without caring for whatever repercussions their actions may have. When a message like this is continually†¦show more content†¦These corporations are a direct by-product of this ‘Money Culture’, and definitely its most unsettling one. In the corporate world, only the most ruthless corporations, with their hostile money grabbing polici es and intelligently tailored advertisements to promote their revenues; while advancing the cause of consumerism; thrive. Owing to the legalization of extensive lobbying, where lawmaking can be influenced by paying politicians, these few capital rich corporations and organizations can influence governmental decisions to a great degree, especially foreign policies, effectively leaving third world countries open for exploitation by them. For example, Shell Oil, an MNC (Multi National Corporation), extracted 50% of Nigeria’s yearly crude output, and 14% of its own output from the Niger delta region (The Changing Nature of Third World Exploitation, 1995). Though a large number of the local populace was recruited by Shell to serve as the basic labor force, there has been no change in the deplorable conditions the locals were living in. Over a period of 15 years, due to massive and widespread oil spills, heavy land degradation of the alluvial soil has taken place. The locals, who come from an agriculture based society, have in effect, been deprived of their ancestral way of life, their heritage, all due to the greed driven actions of the partlyShow MoreRelatedHow Has Homophobia Become a Witch Hunt? Essay1092 Words  | 5 Pagesfurther more if one cannot provide solid proof of his or her innocence. (Hughes) It is the fuel behind many hate crimes and discrimination. Some claim that homosexuality is a disease. If this statement is true, couldn’t we all simply begin to call in â€Å"queer†to work and school when we won’t be present? (Avert) Homophobes provide numerous reasons, which they view extremely valid, to back up their hatred. â€Å"It’s not natural†– a weak argument. Biologists frequently see homosexual behavior in other mammalianRead MoreHiroshima And Nagasaki And Hiroshima1181 Words  | 5 Pagespotential for nuclear devastation is forever banging over the United States. Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki[(www.democracynow.org)Title Hiroshima and Nagasaki]-On August 6,1925,during World War II(1939-1945),an American B-29 bomb dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima.The explosion wiped out 90% of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people;tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure.Three days later ,a second B-29 dropped anotherRead MoreWhat They Fought For By James M. Mcpherson880 Words  | 4 Pagesthe ultimate cause of it. It concentrates on the reason why and what drove them into the Civil War, the most brutal war in history. McPherson’s arguments mainly about what motivated men to fight, whether the soldiers knew what they were fighting for or they had no idea what they thrown themselves into through the study of the letters and diaries written by the fighters themselves. He stated that men fight for patriotism and along with other reasons .He rejected the idea and the paradigm saying thatRead MoreAtomic Bomb Necessary Essay912 Words  | 4 Pagesgiven fair warnings if they did not surrender unconditionally and continued to fight, and the bomb saved lives. The first reason why dropping the atomic bomb was necessary was because the military needed to end the war. The Manhattan project was the codename for the secret US government research and engineering project during the Second World War that developed the world’s first nuclear weapon. The Manhattan Project consisted of engineers and scientists to create the internal system of the AtomicRead MoreA Global Perspective Of Beat Terrorism1420 Words  | 6 Pagescommunity’s social and political goals following World War II are related to combating terrorism, as the world’s leaders come together to discuss terms of peace, security, and unity against the common enemy of war and death. Terrorism challenges our world’s leaders to repair nations and people groups broken by the hands of the past colonial empires, eliminate the Eurocentric domination in the world’s economy and politics, and take charge against human rights violations worldwide. The world isRead MoreAmerican Culture And Its Impact On The Nation1509 Words  | 7 Pageswhat culture designates to us, it is in our heritage and pastime and it plays an integral part of the way we live the day to day lives that we do. American Culture has composed virtually every ambulation of life, whether it is World War II, or the World Trade Center properties being ravaged. This is all part of a culture of what makes us who we are and optate to become. Different periods in time or events that affect us can alter who we are and make a transmutation within us that alters how we liveRead MoreOrigins of Marijuana Laws in The United States Essay1125 Words  | 5 PagesA great many of todays citizens erroneously believe that the criminalization of marijuana came into effect as a result of research conducted with due diligence by trained scientists and physicians. The true reasons behind the criminalization of marijuana had little to do with the supposed harmful effects from its use as a recreational drug and much more to do with the financial bottom line of the entrenched industrial complex of this country. The leading advocates of the campaign to ban the useRead MoreThe Positive and Negative Impact of the Portrayal of Religion1108 Words  | 4 Pagesthe media tends to put negative images of who the country is facing, while using positive emotional reports on soldiers and loved ones that have suffered from these people (Li, 2005, pg. 54; Ungerleider, 2011, pg. 23; Mahtani, 2012, pg. 45). The reason they do this is because even though the media groups and mass media elements are independent entities, they have very big group support. This was clearly evident during September 11 or 911, when the media (Fox, NBC, etc.) out poured negative imagesRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal?1057 Words  | 5 Pagesit our so-called moral ethics don’t allow us to bare our feelings. Since sex is unavoidable need of human being why cannot we have a positive outlook towards prostituted and regard prostitution as a legal? If the prostitution is legalized overall the world then, the sex workers will be respected, there will be a reduction in human trafficking, society will be healthier and benefit economically. In actual, prostitution is considered to be one of the world’s oldest professions and still we have conservativeRead MoreHomosexuality Is Defined As Sexual Desire Or Behavior936 Words  | 4 Pagestoward a person or persons of one s own sex.†(American Psychological Association, n.d.). In our society today, homosexuals are harassed and discriminated simply because they are different. They are attracted to the same sex and this causes dislike and hatred towards them in our society. Laws are passed in states such as California for protecting homosexuals and also allowing homosexuality marriages to take place. Everyone has a right to: †¢ Choose what they want to be. †¢ Choose who they want to be with
Pediatric Physical Therapy Posture in a Sitting System
Question: Describe about the Pediatric Physical Therapy for posture in a sitting system? Answer: Assessment of a posture in a sitting system become critical since most of the patients with deformities are completely unable to walk or may be able to walk for a short distance. Therefore, it is important to start with, the assessment of posture of disable children in a seating system. Assistive technology (AT), as well as AT services for the children who are suffering from disabilities, are now considered as the part of the "pediatric physical therapy practice." It is observed that the increasing availability of technology as well as federal legislation, which supports the use of Assistive Technology (Sweeney et al., 2010). The seating system and its apparatus should be prepared in such a way that support the child in his or her specific activity as well as it allows the child to roam independently. To develop the seating system, it is important to start with the seating assessment (Brien Sveistrup, 2011). During seating assessment, the clinicians need to examine both the seating position and supine of the children. Assistance may be needed to stabilize the body parts while assessing the seating posture. The clinician must examine the lumber movement while the child is in the supine position (Frank et al., 2011). If the examiner found, the pelvic movement is present then it becomes easy to determine the impact of leg positioning on the pelvis. The clinician needs to make the patient is sitting on a surface, which has the thin top in order to measure the knees to flex. This is helpful in the assessment of posture in a seating system. Anti-thrust seat The anti-thrust seat has several features, which are specially designed to support the children with disabilities as well as the adults with neuromuscular or neurological impairment. The anti-thrust seat is prescribed to the patients who are suffering from a severe disorder in their sitting position (Downey Rapport, 2012). This is helpful for the patient as its dense foam helps to rise the front of the seat to support the pelvis set back in the seat. On the other hand, the top layer of "Visco foam is helpful to add comfort and optimal support. The Anti-Thrust Seat is fully customizable to provide full comfort to the patient. It is found that an Anti-Thrust Seat cups the pelvis with an anterior, which is block formed (Ragonesi et al., 2010). If the seat is too deep, then the undersurface of the thigh need to be provided extra support. Anteriorly tipping the seat From previous researches, it is found that people who are suffering from spinal cord injury, as well as neural tube defect, pointed out that anteriorly tipping the seat of 200 is helpful to reduce the pressure under the pelvis. From different research papers, it is found that there is a lack of evidence to guide and support the use of anteriorly tipping the seat for the people with neuromuscular impairment as well as neurological problems (Ganley et al., 2011). No studies identified the impact of the seat tilt on people with muscular dystrophy. However, it is discovered that patients who are suffering from cerebral palsy become benefited from the use of anteriorly tipping of seat. Lateral trunk support Lateral trunk support is considered as the dynamic and innovative body support, which is designed to provide flexibility and unparallel comfort. Most of the patients who are suffering from neurological disabilities such as cerebral palsy are mostly recommended for the use of Lateral trunk support (Fowler et al., 2010). There are three points for trunk stabilization such as the lateral trunk, the anterior trunk, and the posterior trunk. Good posture refers to the result of the balancing of the skeleton with the gravity. The lateral trunk support help to maintain an ideal posture of the patient, which includes neutral alignment, level shoulders, the shoulder is slightly posterior (at 1000) to the pelvis and maintain a neutral pelvis (Umphred et al., 2013). The long-term effect of using lateral trunk support is to increase minimize the orthopedic consequences, increase the mobility of the user, normalize muscle tone, provide pressure relief and reduce the requirements for the active mus cle. Abductor pommel According to the general guidelines of the physicians, symmetrical hip abduction is considered as one of the well versed and important conditions for proper posture. From studies, it is found that abduction pommel is useful to allow equal weight bearing through both thighs, ischial tuberosities, which in turn permit better distribution of pressure (Bo et al., 2014). The abductor device is prescribed to the patients who are suffering from postural deformities. Not only adults but also the children are recommended to use abductor pommel. The abductor pommel is considered as the effective device, which can be used in different situations and therefore, recommended by most of the physicians. Scheuemanns disease Scheuemanns disease is known as the self-limiting skeletal disorder, which happens in childhood. This disease was named after Holger Werfel Scheuemanns. Scheuemanns disease signifies the physical condition where the vertebrae show growth in an uneven manner respect to the sagittal plane (Bhat et al., 2011). In this case, the posterior angel is often become larger than the anterior. It is found that the uneven growth of the vertebrae can result in the "wedging" shape, which is the signature of kyphosis disease. Etiology Scheuermanns disease is considered as a condition, which develops increased thoracic kyphosis (40). This disease shows true postural changes of 50 wedging within the thoracic vertebra (in all of three vertebrae, which are adjacent). The apices are commonly found between T7 and T9. However, it is also found that the localized deformity in this caused by this disease is painless (Wiart et al., 2010). It is also discovered that there are strong hereditary pattern remains of the Scheuermanns disease. The changes caused in the disc and vertebra is recognized to reflect the physical stress. Clinically most of the children are affected by the Scheuermanns disease. In most of the cases, children between 10-15 are diagnosed with Scheuermanns disease. There are several characteristics found in the patient with Scheuermanns disease, such as irregular lower and upper vertebral endplates, the loss of disc space height, wedging of vertebrae more than 100. In addition, it is also found that the pre sence of hyperkyphosis is more than 400. Clinical presentation There are different clinical symptoms showed by the Scheuermanns disease. Such as- Patient with Scheuermanns disease presents kyphotic deformity, which is demonstrated best in the forward flexed position. Decrease flexibility of the spine, which showed the structural nature of kyphotic deformity. The patient may feel palpation or tenderness below and above the apex of kyphosis. Lower thoracic kyphosis is observed at the thoracolumbar junction. The patient may show the presence of Hamstring tightness. The patient may show hyperlordosis in the lumbar spine. However, it is also found that neurologic deficits are very rare in the case of Scheuermanns disease. Intervention The treatment of Scheuermanns disease is found to very controversial. Some of the researchers think that the thorasic Scheuermanns disease is benign, which emphasize that most of the clinicians show their reluctant towards the treatment of the Scheuermanns disease. On the other hand, in some cases clinicians recommended some exercises; however, those are very painful. Patients who are suffering from the mild and non-progressive disease could be treated with reducing weight and relieve from weight bearing stress (Palisano et al., 2012). Patients with Scheuermanns disease are always recommended not to perform any strenuous activity. Although in some cases exercise proved as beneficial, it is also found that exercise alone cannot help to relieve the patient from the pain of disease. In addition, using of the brace was also proved as significant in order to relieve the patient from suffering. Most of the clinicians recommended for duPont kyphosis brace and modified Milwaukee brace. Apart from these interventions, there are also several surgical interventions to treat the disease. However, most of the patients do not readily accept surgery as it is painful and produce unacceptable cosmetic appearance. Cord Decompression is introduced for the patients who have neurologic deficits or increased kyphotic angulation though it is very rare. If the instrumentation is failed, then pseudoarthrosis can occur (Gordon et al., 2011). People who were treated with surgery or bracing in both cases experienced relief; however, the disease is not cured. The other factors that can help in the treatment are conservative treatment, which may include the use of body cast plus brace as well as exercise regimen and the presence of the Risser sign of skeletal maturity. Femoral anteversion is known as inward twisting of the femur (thighbone, which is located between knee and hip). This disease causes the feet, the knees of the child turn inward, and the appearance looked like pigeon-toed (Oetgen Peden, 2012). According to the case study, the foot progression angle is -350, which emphasize that the patient with femoral anteversion have a complete distortion of feet, however, it is not very much effective for the children with normal bone alignment. In this case, the physician can recommend proper exercise for the patient. According to the case study, the internal rotation of the hip is 750, which is not normal. The internal rotation of the hip is 750 emphasize the abnormal limb structure of the child with femoral anteversion. To help the child specific exercises can be recommended. According to the case study, external rotation of the hip is 200, which can cause pigeon shaped posture for the child who is suffering from femoral anteversion. In this condition, the physician can suggest using brace. However, a child with normal bone alignment does not need any medical intervention. According to the case study, the thigh-foot angle is -50, which can also form pigeon like posture for the child who is suffering from femoral anteversion. In this condition, the physician can suggest using brace. However, a child with normal bone alignment does not need any medical intervention. From studies, it is observed that most of the children tend to toe-walk for some time when they first started walking independently. This is quiet natural and does not consider as the symptoms of cerebral palsy. This is idiopathic toe-walking (ITW) and can be treated by therapeutic exercises (Williams et al., 2010). Primarily toe walking consider as a gait abnormality, which is characterized by an absence of normal heel strike (heel to floor contact) by both feet. Toe walking shows several etiologies, which include severe neuromuscular disease to idiosyncratic disease. The treatment of toe walking depends on the severity of the abnormality and the age of the children (patients). There are two types of medical interventions can be taken to treat toe walking, such as medical therapy and surgical therapy. The non-operative or conventional medical treatment of toe walking includes orthotics, casting, stretching and chemodenervation. In chemodenervation treatment botulinum toxin (BOTOX) could be used (Zwicker et al., 2012). However, the success of these treatment depends on the age of the patient. Stretching is the first treatment used by the physician as this process is least invasive; however the success of treating idiopathic toe walking is very limited. On the other hand, serial casting is used to stretch the Achilles tendon. These casts can easily change weekly, depending on the progress level. A custom orthotic such as AFO (ankle-foot orthosis) could be used to treat ITW, especially for children. However, if the conventional methods of treatment failed, then surgical therapy can be used to treat ITW. Through the medical incision, an open heel-cord lengtheni ng could be done. Another method is open and percutaneous technique, which is also very popular. The spastic diplegia is also known as Littles disease. The spastic diplegia is a form of cerebral palsy just like idiopathic toe walking. The spastic diplegia is considered as a chronic neuromuscular condition of spasticity as well as hypertonia. Although these two diseases has many similarities, it is found that there are also several differences (Gordon et al., 2011). The gait pattern observed in children with idiopathic toe walking is not similar with those who are suffering from spastic diplegia. In spastic diplegia, it is observed that the lower parts (muscles and motors of the lower limbs) are stiffened. On the other hand, toe walking could be caused due to the habit of the children and do not stiffen the lower limbs as much as spastic diplegia do. Reference Bhat, A. N., Landa, R. J., Galloway, J. C. C. (2011). Current perspectives on motor functioning in infants, children, and adults with autism spectrum disorders.Physical Therapy,91(7), 1116-1129. Bo, K., Berghmans, B., Morkved, S., Van Kampen, M. (2014).Evidence-based physical therapy for the pelvic floor: bridging science and clinical practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Brien, M., Sveistrup, H. (2011). An intensive virtual reality program improves functional balance and mobility of adolescents with cerebral palsy.Pediatric Physical Therapy,23(3), 258-266. Downey, R., Rapport, M. J. K. (2012). Motor activity in children with autism: a review of current literature.Pediatric Physical Therapy,24(1), 2-20. Fowler, E. G., Knutson, L. M., DeMuth, S. K., Siebert, K. L., Simms, V. D., Sugi, M. H., ... Physical Therapy Clinical Research Network (PTClinResNet. (2010). Pediatric endurance and limb strengthening (PEDALS) for children with cerebral palsy using stationary cycling: a randomized controlled trial.Physical therapy,90(3), 367-381. Frank, A., McCloskey, S., Dole, R. L. (2011). Effect of hippotherapy on perceived self-competence and participation in a child with cerebral palsy.Pediatric Physical Therapy,23(3), 301-308. Ganley, K. J., Paterno, M. V., Miles, C., Stout, J., Brawner, L., Girolami, G., Warren, M. (2011). Health-related fitness in children and adolescents.Pediatric physical therapy,23(3), 208-220. Gordon, A. M., Hung, Y. C., Brandao, M., Ferre, C. L., Kuo, H. C., Friel, K., ... Charles, J. R. (2011). Bimanual Training and Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy in Children With Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy A Randomized Trial.Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair,25(8), 692-702. Oetgen, M. E., Peden, S. (2012). Idiopathic toe walking.Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,20(5), 292-300. Palisano, R. J., Chiarello, L. A., King, G. A., Novak, I., Stoner, T., Fiss, A. (2012). Participation-based therapy for children with physical disabilities.Disability and rehabilitation,34(12), 1041-1052. 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Developmental coordination disorder: a review and update.European Journal of Paediatric Neurology,16(6), 573-581.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Health Issue of Diabetes Among the Youths in UK
Question: Discuss about management of the health issue of Diabetes among the youths in UK with obesity management plan? Answer: Introduction: The current study is based on the topic of diabetes originating due to obesity among the young population of UK. The country depicts a prevalence of diabetes for 6.0% of the adults. Health bodies as NHS bears the high burden of cost due to the increasing cost of diabetes, which emphasizes the need for a higher focus on diabetes management plan. Obesity seems to result for 80-85% of the Type 2 diabetes incidence in UK (Winkley, 2013). Therefore, focussing on obesity management this study provides insight and direction towards reducing and effective handling of the health issue of diabetes among the youths. Topic: This study is based on the topic of management of the health issue of Diabetes among the youths in UK with obesity management plan. Interventions: Lifestyle management is a major intervention applied for managing diabetes issue related to obesity. Various aspects of life are influenced by diabetes and needs to be considered in lifestyle management intervention to handle and prevent diabetes in the young population. These include blood glucose level (BGL) monitoring, consumption of alcohol, smoke, food habits, physical activity level and emotional condition (Haas et al. 2013). Studies identify higher levels of physical activities, modified diets of low-calorie foods and weight loss programs to reduce the rate of progression of T2DM among the youths with an impaired glucose tolerance. A full involvement of the whole family of the patient or concerned youth is highly visible in the lifestyle management intervention. Reduction of spending time in front of computer or Television is a major focus of lifestyle intervention to manage diabetes in youths (healthcare, 2015). It drives the youths away from the sedentary lifestyle that is an eminent factor contributing to the origin of obesity and diabetes in an association. Change of food intake habits is a very important lifestyle change that influences the improvement of diabetic condition largely. Eating five portions of fruit and vegetables each day satiates the hunger avoiding overeating tendency or higher calorie intake. Pharmacologic intervention is another effective method to address the issue of diabetes. It deals with the administration of the relevant and most appropriate drugs to the patient as per symptoms and conditions depicted. Reinehr (2013) identified the administration of subcutaneous insulin injection in patients to treat Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM). Type 2 DM (T2DM) can be handled with medicines as Metformin (1st line of treatment), Thiazolidinediones, Sulfonylureas and others. Metformin seems to lower the HbA1c in 16 weeks of treatment. It also reveals the ability to improve plasma glucose levels. Sulfonylureas reveal an increase in weight and hypoglycemic side effects. Rosiglitazone is another drug showing similar effects on BGL as that of Metformin. However, a little increase in weight and mild peripheral edema associated with Rosiglitazone treatment decreases its preference over Metformin. The incretin hormone therapy is also an effective pharmacologic intervention for diabetes management (Schwartz and DeFronzo, 2013). Insulin therapy with or without other agents also improves BGL in youths suffering from diabetes (T2DM). However, certain factors as are essential to consider for determining the possibility of implementing the pharmacologic therapy for the diabetic patient or people at risk of diabetes. These factors include cost, efficacy, comorbidities, potential side effects, patient preferences, the risk of hypoglycaemia and effects on the weight of the patient (Ndei.org, 2015). The treatment with rapid-acting insulin analogues is effective to lower the rate of hypoglycaemia in diabetic patients. Target group: The target group for this study of diabetes due to obesity are the youths in UK depicting a high incidence of obesity (6.0%) among them leading to diabetes in later age. More than 62% of the youths in UK reveal obesity as a major issue that further leads to diabetes in 2013 (Grimes et al. 2013). Rationale: Diabetes is a highly concerning issue in UK. It not only affects the physical health of the affected individual but also declines the quality of life influencing the psychological aspect of the diabetic individual hampering efficiency and other social aspects as well. UK reveals an increase of diabetes prevalence from 1.4 million to 3.2 million in the country (Diabetes.co.uk, 2015). Obesity is seen to be the major reason causing T2DM in UK. The fast pace life of the people in UK drives the majority of the youths to lead a sedentary lifestyle. The increase in the percentage of young population affected by diabetes and its massive adverse effects on their health and lives puts a detrimental effect on the countrys status on an overall basis. Chapple and Genco (2013) highlighted the adverse effects of diabetes on the youths as declining energy restraining them from working to their full potential. The negative influence of diabetes on the psychological or mental health of youths is also evident. A large number of youths in the age group of 16-24 years old depicts mental health problems and patient of diabetes. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa seem to affect 2% of the young females. Hampering of normal living capabilities due to diabetes is the major cause of the psychological effect (Bernstein et al. 2013). Diabetes leads to decrease in sexual efficiency, energy, enthusiasm in life, short temper, food habits, digestion and urination. All these together have a stark effect on the lives of the youths. Aim: This project will aim to reduce the incidence of diabetes among youths to improve the overall health status of the country. Objectives: The current study will be conducted with the objectives as follows: To drive the youths towards adoption of higher level of physical activities in their lives to prevent diabetes To review and enhance the availability of healthy and low-calorie food and beverage options in markets and shops near educational institutions at affordable prices To increase the number of youths accessing the monthly health checkups/screening for obesity and diabetes relating to it Actions: Objective to meet Action Partnerships and involvement Resources required Evaluation methods 1.) To drive the youths towards adoption of higher level of physical activities in their lives to prevent diabetes Arrangement of short physical activity sessions and classes for youths in each locality Establishing the provision of rewarding the participant with highest level of involvement in the physical activities programs Physical activity trainers, Sports organizations, Sportswear companies, Common people, Local authority, Nearest hospital body Play ground or open place to arrange the scope for physical activity Equipments and materials for the games and activities Medical aids Assessing the number of participants involved in physical activities before and after the launch of the program in the particular locality 2.) To review and enhance the availability of healthy and low calorie food and beverage options in markets and shops near educational institutions at affordable prices Arranging a discussion session between the local retailers and health specialists Suggest those retailers ways to produce and sell healthy products with profit generation Suppliers of raw food materials, Retailers, Health specialists, Budget experts, Experts from RD (Research and Development) departments of the retails Financial calculative aids as software to calculate profit production cost, manufacturing cost, etc Websites Health journals and materials containing relevant information Building or sufficient and protective confidential space to hold the discussion Distributing survey questionnaires to the retailers after the discussion asking for their reflections Analysing the willingness of the retailers towards producing and selling healthy foods and beverages Assessing the level of investment that the retailers are interested towards their RD 3.) To increase the number of youths accessing the monthly health checkups/screening for obesity and diabetes relating to it Mass campaigning about diabetes prevention and screenings effectiveness near educational institutions Setting check-up centres at minimal charge for the youths and appointing trained and qualified nurses in the centres to check and guide the youths towards a healthy life Health practitioners, Nurses, Staffs, Designers, printers and distributers for mass campaigning Health check-up equipments, Space for setting the check-up centre, Poster designs Surveying the youths of the target locality in vicinity of the campaign regarding the information they possess about their health status Monitoring and checking the number of participants (among youths) accessing the set healthcare screening program Table 1: Action plan for Diabetes management (Source: Author) Conclusion: This study is conducted with a deep focus on diabetes due to obesity in youths, which is a major health issue among the society of UK in current days. It identifies the problems as increasing number of young people being victimised by diabetes. The pharmacologic intervention and psychological lifestyle change intervention are the two identified solutions for diabetes issue. Considering the use of lifestyle management intervention, the study presents a prospective action plan for diabetes management. Inducing the youths towards a higher level of physical activities, opting for selling healthy low-calorie food products by the retailers and raising awareness about the importance of health screening among youths are the major objectives highlighted in the study. Relevant activities as mass campaigning, discussion with retailers, setting physical activity sessions emerges as important. People as practitioners, health experts, nurses, retailers, suppliers and others are involved at great depths and level with the plan. Medical aids, health check-up equipment, etc. are significant for executing the activities. Relevant evaluation methods as questionnaire survey are eminent. References Bernstein, C. M., Stockwell, M. S., Gallagher, M. P., Rosenthal, S. L., and Soren, K. (2013). Mental health issues in adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes prevalence and impact on glycemic control.Clinical pediatrics,52(1), 10-15. Chapple, I. L., and Genco, R. (2013). Diabetes and periodontal diseases: consensus report of the Joint EFP/AAP Workshop on Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases.Journal of clinical periodontology,40(s14), S106-S112. Diabetes.co.uk, (2015).Diabetes and Obesity. [online] Available at: https://www.diabetes.co.uk/diabetes-and-obesity.html [Accessed 29 Jul. 2015]. Grimes, C. A., Riddell, L. J., Campbell, K. J., and Nowson, C. A. (2013). Dietary salt intake, sugar-sweetened beverage consumption, and obesity risk. Pediatrics, 131(1), 14-21. Haas, L., Maryniuk, M., Beck, J., Cox, C. E., Duker, P., Edwards, L., and Youssef, G. (2013). National standards for diabetes self-management education and support.Diabetes care,36(Supplement 1), S100-S108. healthcare, T. (2015).Treatment and healthcare - Diabetes UK. [online] Diabetes.org.uk. Available at: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/Guide-to-diabetes/Teens/What-is-diabetes/About-diabetes/Treatment-and-healthcare/ [Accessed 5 Aug. 2015]. Ndei.org, (2015).ADA Guidelines Type 2 Diabetes Pharmacologic Therapy | NDEI. [online] Available at: https://www.ndei.org/ADA-diabetes-management-guidelines-pharmacologic-therapy-for-type-2-diabetes.aspx [Accessed 5 Aug. 2015]. Reinehr, T. (2013). Type 2 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents.World journal of diabetes,4(6), 270. Schwartz, S., and DeFronzo, R. A. (2013). Is incretin-based therapy ready for the care of hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes? The time has come for GLP-1 receptor agonists!.Diabetes care,36(7), 2107-2111. Winkley, K et al. (2013) The clinical characteristics at diagnosis of Type2 diabetes in a multi-ethnic population; the South London Diabetes cohort (SOUL-D). Diabetologia 55(6). 127281
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