Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Christian Of A Christian Marriage - 955 Words
A Christian marriage sets a positive example by conducting oneself in a manner worthy of Christ. Our attitude shows who we are on the inside. 1 Peter 3:1-2 declares: â€Å"Wives†¦if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of their lives†(NIV). God wants us to exemplify him. God doesn’t try and change us against our own will. We have to want to change for ourselves. In marriage, Borys said a great quote: â€Å"Your growth cannot be dependent upon your spouse taking the same step, at the same time, as you†(124). Acceptance of your spouse is the â€Å"absence of rejection,†which is critical for any marriage to survive (Hawkins 36). Accepting your spouse means loving them in spite of what they think, feel, or do. It is a commitment of love to your spouse that was promised when you got married. Vows aren’t meant to be just for show, but upheld a s a daily commitment. You can’t change a person against their own will, but conducting yourself in a manner worthy of Christ will set a positive example. Communication is key to any relationship or marriage. As said by Dwight Small, â€Å"The heart of marriage is its communication system†¦It is†¦something to be continually cultivated through all of the experiences of their shared life†(11,16). Talking, listening, and understanding are all involved in the process of communication. Good communication means be able to speak to your spouse in a love languageShow MoreRelatedEssay on Christian Marriage1487 Words  | 6 PagesChristian Marriage Introduction and background. Christian Marriage, also called Matrimony is a sacrament in which a man and a woman publicly declare their love and fidelity in front of witnesses, a priest or minister and God. The It is seen by all Christian churches as both a physical and spiritual fulfillment. Christianity emphasises that the sacrament of Holy Matrimony is a lifetime commitment. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separateRead MoreThe Catholic And Christian Marriages905 Words  | 4 PagesCatholic and Christian marriages are very different in today’s society compared to many years ago. A traditional marriage is viewed differently in many ways, some of these changes are because of society. Such as many people do not view divorce as such a horrible act anymore, marriage is no longer just between a man and a woman, and many people find themselves getting married for the wrong reasons. 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This definition seems uncomplicated, but to practice fidelity in a relationship, specifically marriage, is a commitment that many people would not comprehend in its’ totality. The Christian meaning of fidelity is perceived by the majority of society to be strictly in the corporeal sense only. As a Christian we are called to look upon not only the physical realityRead MoreChristian Beliefs On Gay Marriage Essay1927 Words  | 8 Pagesmade it increasingly difficult for Christians to carry out their faith. When one’s faith is compromised, they are called to turn the other cheek and follow the Lord. However, when the government puts laws into place that challenge Christian beliefs, it is not easy to decide, if the choice is necessary, whether one should break the law or follow God. One of the most prevalent issues in recent news that counters Christian beliefs is gay marriage. Recently, marriage between two people of the same sexRead MoreChristian Churches and Marriage Equality1304 Words  | 6 PagesIn America, marriage is generally regarded as a constant, never changing commitment that has stood firm throughout the ages. However, this image is p erhaps more distorted than most realize. In reality, marriage has evolved through the years, mostly for the better, but occasionally it takes a turn for the worse. The first records we have of marriage are from the Bible. Sometime before 500 BC, Abraham was married his half-sister, Sarah. To gain riches and political power, he forced her to sleep withRead More Islamic Versus Christian Marriage Essay1500 Words  | 6 Pagesthe topic of religion in marriage. Specifically it will discuss whether Islamic marriage is better or worse for women than Christian marriage. After study of these two religions, it becomes quite clear Islamic marriage is much worse for women than Christian marriage. This essay will show that Islamic women are subjugated by their religion and do not enjoy the freedoms or the equality that Christian women enjoy, and perhaps even take for granted. Why is Christian marriage so much better for womenRead MoreMarriage and Relationships According to Christians Essay886 Words  | 4 PagesMarriage and Relationships According to Christians The principles that Christians believe should guide their personal relationships are: * Trust * Tolerance * Understanding * Forgiveness * Caring * Respect The first principle that I believe should play a large role in a Christian’s personal relationship is trust, without trust the couple’s relationship would crumble. The whole relationship must be based on
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Brave New World By Aldous Huxley - 1743 Words
In some novels it is blatantly obvious what the author’s view on a certain topic is. Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World, made it known that he is not a supporter of totalitarianism. His works have illustrated his opinions on this topic. Huxley’s novel, Brave New World, analyzes the dangers of losing one’s individuality based on the main characters’ struggles and refusals to conform. This book is set in a futuristic society where the government controls everything including the conception of human beings. Huxley’s view on this type of society is extremely apparent in this story. His purpose of writing this novel was to warn his readers of the chilling possibilities of this type of society. Brave New World was written in 1931 and published in 1932. Since then, thousands of copies have been sold. This novel has also been banned in many countries. This story is extremely controversial, but this is what makes it so good. It was rated number fifty-two out of one hundred most banned books from 1990-2001. Brave New World has made an impact on society by warning people of the possible outcomes of technological advances mixed with government control. This novel was inspired by H. G. Wells. Aldous Huxley made it a point to write this dystopian story to share the terrifying possibilities that the future could hold if we aren’t careful. Aldous Huxley shows his disapproval of a totalitarian government through the characters in this story. The first character that representsShow MoreRelatedA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley668 Words  | 3 PagesIn Brave New World, there are similarities that have a deeper meaning that we can understand. There are persona l effects in Aldous Huxley life that contribute to what he has written in the book. Aldous Huxley throughout his life have seen, done, and events have happened to him, just like all of us, but he has expressed it in his book. So when Aldous wrote the he had so many ideas. I have read the book; it’s notRead MoreBrave New World by Aldous Huxley811 Words  | 3 Pages Brave New World is based around characters who gave up the right of freedom for happiness; characters who ignored the truth so that they could live in a utopian civilization. The deceiving happiness was a constant reminder throughout the book. Almost every character in Brave New World did whatever they could to avoid facing the truth about their own situations. In this society, happiness is not compatible with the truth because the World State believes that happiness was at the expense of theRead MoreBrave New World By Aldous Huxley1525 Words  | 7 PagesA Brave New Feminist The novel Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley in 1932 is known for its social satire, utopian values, and unusual standpoints on stereotypical gender roles. In this time where futuristic technology has completely taken over, and men and women are given the same opportunities for everything, â€Å"the genders appear equal within the social order; both men and women work at the same jobs, have equal choice in sexual partners, and participate in the same leisure pursuits†(MarchRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley664 Words  | 3 Pagesfor the fact being in the future and in the past time has changed and many differences were made. In his Dystopian Society Huxley portrays masses of niches where the government produces clones for specific reasons. Huxley decides throughout Brave New World that cloning humans is unethical. He then becomes in contact with the society’s most powerful Alphas and Betas clones. Huxley suggest in BNW that lower class groups in clo ning humans to act like servants to terrorize them into working hard conditionsRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley1189 Words  | 5 Pages In the world of sex, drugs, and baby cloning you are going to be in many situations where you feel like the world we live in should be different. In the story Brave New World, they had sex with multiple partners along with a very bad use of drugs. It is weird that Aldous Huxley wrote this book in 1931 about the world he was living in during that time and how it is similar to the world we live in today. Nowadays, drugs are still being used and people are still engaging in sexual encounters withRead MoreBrave New World By Aldous Huxley968 Words  | 4 PagesAldous Huxley’s utopia in Brave New World foreshadowed and illuminated the complications within modern day society. Upon its release, the narrative became widely banned all over the United States due to the unorthodox thoughts and actions of multiple characters in it. Early readers, as well as modern day audiences, feared and rejected the ideals that Huxley incorporated into his perfect society; however, our society today is heading towards the dark paths the older generations desired to avoid. Read MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley895 Words  | 4 Pagesthe novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley tells of a society where everyone is the same but, compared to t oday’s society, everything is different. Huxley tells of a world where everything that happens or takes place is because of one’s own desire and nothing more. The hero in the novel, a â€Å"savage†named John, is Huxley’s main focal point. It is through his eyes and mind that the reader sees what’s going on. Now when I read this novel, I began to think, â€Å"Could this perfect, conformed world actuallyRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley1684 Words  | 7 Pagesimperfect world and is usually only a hopeful dream. These types of worlds can greatly be described in detail through the world of science fiction. Aldous Huxley was an English writer who lived during a time when war and chaos were engulfing the world. His works reflect his view and thoughts on a dystopia, which is a false utopia, and describes what could occur in possible governments of the world. The ability to understand and dive into the thoughts of the author is what make s world literatureRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley614 Words  | 2 Pagesthem truly happy. What if someone were to tell you that what you thought was true happiness was all an illusion. In a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley people in the world state are conditioned and drugged up by soma to not experience true happiness. In a world that is perfect, human beings do not have to depend on drugs to keep our world in balance. In a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley there is always a perfect drug called soma that keeps everyone happy, which they have based their society on. ThisRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley948 Words  | 4 PagesWelcome to a world were â€Å"Brave†is not just a word; It has a true meaning. This is a story were everything as you know it, doesn’t seem to be right and will completely change your way of thinking. When this story was written, life was very harsh for many people†¦.Mostly for the author who wrote â€Å"Brave New World†During this time (1930s) they didn’t have much sexual content Living The Future Of The Past In The Present†¦.. In the air; But Aldous made a future full of sex for them and we are the
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Hi Tech free essay sample
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Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Response When Followers Become Toxic
Factors that help leaders from being led astray /mislead Leadership is an ongoing process in an organization. It results from the dynamic nature of the environment. Use of efficient leadership change management and leadership principles make change management successful and keep followers from being toxic.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Response: When Followers Become Toxic specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More First, the leader needs to embrace system thinking in an organization. Besides, they need to integrate the three approaches in system thinking in the daily runningand control of their followers. The three approaches used in this process are life cycle thinking, stakeholder engagement and complexity thinking. These three approaches make theleadership of change asuccess. Second, the leader should ensure that there are structured communication channels between him or her and the followers. It helps in disseminating information efficiently to all the parties involved. The leader should be in a position to embrace change at any time and devise creative ways of communicating the change without causing anxiety. Besides, it is necessary to recognize and prioritize stakeholders’ interests and concerns before making decision that are likely to influence the followers (Bennis Goldsmith 41). Notwithstanding, there is need to have adequate skills to manage processes of followers engagements, commitments and reports on the progress of an idea. This should not be done at the time when the leader is experiencing problems with the followers. Finally, it is necessary to uphold a professional code of conduct and ethics when carrying out duties among the followers to create trust and faith in the leader’s actions.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, the leader should develop an active engagement with the followers from the onset of the idea to avoid conflict of interest. In this way, the leader will stay ahead of the rest and will maintain autonomy in thoughts and actions. The importance of the autonomous decisions made by the leader By definition, leadership is the capability to internalize the environmental setting that incorporates and empowers a group to creatively contribute towards definite course of addressing a challenge. Since leadership is the ability, skills and talent define the capacity of a party to achieve a definite solution to the phenomena in question. The aspect of talent envisions natural skill and ability that has gained proficiency through personal experiences and relevant training. Despite the fact that talent forms the part of leadership ability, it is not the primary aspect. Rather, autonomy in thoughts may equip a person with the necessary skills that are required in exercising mature leadership characterised by persistence and experience (Bass 21). Autonomy in thoughts in an individual creates a decision environment characterized byadaptability, empowerment, commitment, contribution, and critical problem solving skills. The aspect of adaptability influences the adjustments that may be required in exercising influence over a challenge. Through these adjustments, a person exercising leadership may be in a position to model a unique setting that reassures and discerns the wants and desires of the subjects. The aspect of empowerment involves inspiring self esteem and confidence among the subjects to align their feelings to specific intuition or instinct. Through this leadership, may facilitate the degree of empowerment feeling and faith in solutions given (Bennis Goldsmith 34).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Response: When Followers Become Toxic specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, autonomy in decisio n making inspires the need to contribute proactively towards creation of a suitable environment for closing the gap that may exist between a challenge and its solution. Through autonomy in decision making, leadership is a rich recipe for an imaginative response to stimulation that creates a wider chain of adaptation of viable solutions to a problem. Do you believe that it is possible to change toxic followers? If yes, then how It is possible to change toxic followers through interpersonal assessment. Interpersonal assessment assesses human acts which people utilize when interacting with different peoples. This assessment is helpful especially for leaders who intend to know how they influence people and how to communicate effectively in a society. In addition, leadership skills are normally influenced by situational and personal experiences. Indeed, situational experiences exist in many ways. First, attitude of encouragement is important in a society. Actually, people should apprecia te and encourage positive contributions. Secondly, shared objectives are helpful because they guide community to embrace desired outcomes while discouraging unfavorable attitudes. On the other hand, personal experiences are based on three aspects. First, past reality that people have experienced influence people to be aware of which human acts have a positive outcome. Secondly, personal attitude usually influences people on how to interact with other people. Lastly, self esteem enables people to develop inner strength in carrying out various actions. Reflectively, interpersonal assessment, basically, inquires how an individual (for example, a leader) is perceived by others (followers) in a community. Leaders should know how they influence their followersinterpersonally.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Indeed, such assessment is monitored through verifying the leader’s values with the followers’ norms. Actually, the desire to achieve one’s challenging situation is a wish not only to attain individual’s wish but also people’s expectations (Greenleaf, 2002). Moreover, a challenging experience normally compels a person to examine his attitude. Indeed, an individual will attempt to improve his professionalism to resolve a challenge through internalization of interpersonal assessment that aims to change the toxic mindset into a proactive mindset. Furthermore, involving in team work with different people will be an effective way to resolve the toxic mindset. Can toxic follower create toxic leaders? If yes, then how Toxic followers can create toxic leaders since most leaders would want to appeal to the interest of their followers. Moreover, leadership is meant to inspire trust within the functions of control of a system. Basically, toxic followerâ€℠¢s mindset is characterised by imitation, status quo, and narrowed focus to an approach towards realising a solution. Therefore, a leader may be influenced by the toxic follower in the process of appealing to the interests of the follower. Organizations across the contemporary social environment have unique subcultures which define expected behavior and response to different occurrences. Besides, subcultures are unique in terms of beliefs, practices, and communicative gestures or language and define the hierarchy of responsibility and control in a group. In any group, there is always a laid down structure formulated in order to keep its members within the expected behavior. When the followers control the network and channel for defining beliefs, they are in a position to easily make their leader toxic if they are toxic (Devito 45). These may be in the form of psychological, experience, value and beliefs, attitudes, and group common interests that are meant to inspire negative energy in the followers. When these values are internalized into the leadership structure, ways of interaction, commitment at work and confidence of the leader may be compromised and create anxiety and lack of autonomy in decisions. How could an organization avoid the cultivation of toxic environments Basing on LPI assessment, an organization can enable its members to develop the following five personal competencies. First, the members should be encouraged tobe a role model and develop self-confidence by elucidating their own individual values. This will set a good example through conforming to shared values of the community. Secondly, the organization needs to enliven a common vision to visualize the future through perceiving to achieve pleasant and excellent possibilities (Bass 29). In addition, the organization should create a desirable environment for interaction with various people to achieve common objectives that are important in society. Thirdly, such organization should learn thr ough challenging inspirations. In fact, the organization should struggle to get opportunities and whatever needed by members as a way to develop and grow positively. Moreover, other people like to take risks in order to learn through experimentation since learning is made possible through making mistakes. Thus, such organizations should promote collaboration through embracing team work. This is helpful not only to restore trust amongst individuals, but also to support people by sharing common objectives. Fifth, such organizations should appreciate and encourage people’s determination and contribution (Bustin 23). LPI assessment is important because it enables an organization to perceive how people evaluate their leadership skills. Furthermore, this is a self assessment strategy that enables members of an organization to inquire people’s opinion in order to compare their suggestions with other perspectives as a way to improve the personality and leadership skills. LPI a ssessment creates autonomy in decision making which establishes proactive cultural perspective learning based on the premise that organizational learning is done by key individuals in the organization whose actions then influence the organizational change. Works Cited Bass, Benard. Bass Stogdill’s handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications. New York: The Free Press, 2000. Print. Bennis, William Goldsmith John. Learning to Lead. New York: Basic Books, 2003. Print. Bustin, Gerald. Take Charge: How Leaders Profit From Change. Irving, Texas: Tapestry Press, 2004. Print. Devito, Lynne. Human communication: New Zealand Edition. Auckland, New Zealand: Addison Wesley, 2006. Print. Greenleaf, Ronald. Servant leadership: A journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2002. Print. This critical writing on Response: When Followers Become Toxic was written and submitted by user Tristin Mcintyre to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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