Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Battle of Globe Tavern - Civil War
Battle of Globe Tavern - Civil War Battle of Globe Tavern - Conflict Dates: The Battle of Globe Tavern was fought August 18-21, 1854, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders Union Major General Gouverneur K. Warrenapprox. 20,000 men Confederate Lieutenant General A.P. Hillapprox. 15,000 men Battle of Globe Tavern - Background: Having begun the Siege of Petersburg in early June 1864, Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant began movements to sever the railroads leading into the city. Dispatching troops against the Weldon Railroad in late June, Grants effort was blocked by Confederate forces at the Battle of Jerusalem Plank Road. Planning further operations, Grant transferred Major General Winfield S. Hancocks II Corps north of the James River in early August with the goal of striking at the Richmond defenses. Though he did not believe that attacks would lead to the citys capture, he hoped they would draw troops north from Petersburg and force Confederate General Robert E. Lee to recall troops sent to the Shenandoah Valley. If successful, this would open the door for an advance against the Weldon Railroad by Major General Gouverneur K. Warrens V Corps. Crossing the river, Hancocks men opened the Second Battle of Deep Bottom on August 14. Though Hancock failed to achieve a breakthrough, he succeeded in drawing Lee north and prevented him from reinforcing Lieutenant General Jubal Early in the Shenandoah. Battle of Globe Tavern - Warren Advances: With Lee north of the river, command of the Petersburg defenses dell to General P.G.T. Beauregard. Moving out at dawn on August 18, Warrens men moved south and west over muddy roads. Reaching the Weldon Railroad at Globe Tavern around 9:00 AM, he ordered Brigadier General Charles Griffins division to begin destroying the tracks while Brigadier General Romeyn Ayres division deployed to the north as a screen. Pressing up the railroad, they swept aside a small force of Confederate cavalry. Alerted that Warren was on the Weldon, Beauregard ordered Lieutenant General A.P. Hill to drive back the Union forces (Map). Battle of Globe Tavern - Hill Attacks: Moving south, Hill directed two brigades from Major General Henry Heths division and one from Major General Robert Hokes division to attack the Union line. As Ayres made contact with Confederate forces around 1:00 PM, Warren ordered Brigadier General Samuel Crawford to deploy his division on the Union right in the hope that he could outflank Hills line. Advancing around 2:00 PM, Hills forces assaulted Ayres and Crawford, driving them back towards Globe Tavern. Finally stemming the Confederate advance, Warren counterattacked and regained some of the lost ground (Map). As darkness fell, Warren directed his corps to entrench for the night. That night, elements of Major General John Parkes IX Corps began to reinforce Warren as Hancocks men returned to the Petersburg lines. To the north, Hill was bolstered by the arrival of three brigades led by Major General William Mahone as well as the cavalry division of Major General W.H.F. Rooney Lee. Due to heavy rain through the early parts of August 19, fighting was limited. With the weather improving late in the afternoon, Mahone moved forward to strike the Union right while Heth assaulted Ayres in the Union center. Battle of Globe Tavern - Disaster Turns to Victory: While Heths attack was stopped with relative ease, Mahone located a gap between Crawfords right and the main Union line to the east. Plunging through this opening, Mahone turned Crawfords flank and shattered the Union right. Desperately attempting to rally his men, Crawford was nearly captured. With the V Corps position at risk of collapse, Brigadier General Orlando B. Willcoxs division from IX Corps moved forward and mounted a desperate counterattack which culminated with hand-to-hand fighting. This action rescued the situation and allowed the Union forces to maintain their line until nightfall. The next day saw heavy rains descend upon the battlefield. Aware that his position was tenuous, Warren used the break in the fighting to construct a new line of entrenchments approximately two miles to the south near Globe Tavern. This paralleled the Weldon Railroad facing west before turning ninety degrees just north of Globe Tavern and running east to the main Union works along the Jerusalem Plank Road. That night, Warren ordered V Corps to withdraw from its advanced position to the new entrenchments. With clear weather returning on the morning of August 21, Hill moved south to attack. Approaching the Union fortifications, he directed Mahone to assault the Union left while Heth advanced on the center. Heths assault was easily repulsed after being hammered by Union artillery. Advancing from the west, Mahones men became bogged down in a swampy wooded area in front of the Union position. Coming under intense artillery and rifle fire, the attack faltered and only Brigadier General Johnson Hagoods men succeeded in reaching the Union lines. Breaking through, they were quickly thrown back by Union counterattacks. Badly bloodied, Hill was forced to pull back. Battle of Globe Tavern - Aftermath: In the fighting at the Battle of Globe Tavern, Union forces sustained 251 killed, 1,148 wounded, and 2,897 captured/missing. The bulk of Union prisoners were taken when Crawfords division was flanked on August 19. Confederate losses numbered 211 killed, 990 wounded, and 419 captured/missing. A key strategic victory for Grant, the Battle of Globe Tavern saw Union forces assume a permanent position on the Weldon Railroad. The loss of the railroad severed Lees direct supply line to Wilmington, NC and forced materials coming from the port to be off-loaded at Stony Creek, VA and moved to Petersburg via Dinwiddie Court House and the Boydton Plank Road. Eager to eliminate the Weldons use completely, Grant directed Hancock to attack south to Reams Station. This effort resulted in defeat on August 25, though additional parts of the railroad line were destroyed. Grants efforts to isolate Petersburg continued through the fall and winter before culminating in the citys fall in April 1865. Selected Sources CWSAC Battle Summaries: Battle of Globe TavernEncyclopedia Virginia: Battle of the Weldon Railroad Civil War Trust: Cutting the Supply Lines
Sunday, November 24, 2019
History vs. Myth essays
History vs. Myth essays Modern historians use many resources as the basis for their research. However, with the growing library of knowledge by which the historians work these days, it is essential to differentiate between what is history and what is myth. There are many differences between history and myth. First of all, history addresses many issues in a very factual way while myths only try to explain a few of the daily occurrences through very subjective ways. Also, in history, the sources usually come from primary sources or objective secondary sources while in myths, many of the ideas come from word of mouth, legend, and imagination. Lastly, history is used as a factual guide to the past used to explain, describe, and analyze the truth while myths are written to entertain, explain strange natural occurrences, and teach moral lessons. The first major difference between history and myth is the matters that they address and the way that they are presented. In history, everything from social issues to political situations to economic statuses is covered. The things covered in history are all factual or based on a firm foundation of evidence. Although in many cases, different historians will have difference opinions about a certain debatable point, history is generally an orderly and objective study. Myths, on the other hand, may sometimes deal very little with fact. The subjects of myth are very often merely restatements of legends. Many of them pertain only to a certain culture and very many variations of the same myths are found. Archetypal similarities between myths, such as the great flood, show that they also pertain to problems that many cultures faced in daily life. As of such, myths are not only a subjective story in the words of individuals, they are also exaggerated retellings of what can be based on fa ct. Therefore, although myth may not be history due to their inaccuracies, myth can be a part of history. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Chinese Foreign Direct Investment Research Paper
Chinese Foreign Direct Investment - Research Paper Example This study examines Chinese investments in Zambia as foreign aid to the country. The general objective of the paper will be to find out whether Chinese foreign direct investments could lead to the long-term economic growth of Zambia. The paper seeks to fulfill these specific objectives: This study examines Chinese investments in Zambia as foreign aid to the country. The general objective of the paper will be to find out whether Chinese foreign direct investments could lead to the long-term economic growth of Zambia. The paper seeks to fulfill these specific objectives: 1) To find out the extent of Chinese foreign direct investments in the Zambian Mines2) To establish the impact of the Chinese foreign direct investments on the performance of mining firms in Zambia.3) To investigate the effects of the mining firms on the economic growth of Zambia both in the short-term and long-term.Study questions based on the above objectives, this research will seek to answer these research qu estions regarding the foreign direct investment of China in Zambian Mining firms. 1) What is the extent of the Chinese Foreign direct investments in Zambian mining firms?2) What is the impact of the Chinese foreign direct investment on the performance of the Mining firms in Zambia?3) What is the existing relationship between Chinese foreign direct investments with short and long-term economic growth of Zambia?Study HypothesisThe Zambian economy is a small open economy that depends on the inflows of the foreign direct investments from China and export of the mining products from its economy. Therefore, this study seeks to fulfill the hypothesis that the Zambian economic growth is positively related to the FDI from China and increased export of Zambian mining products. Literature Review Financial Crisis and Chinese Economy The business environment experiences cycles that occur in different periods. Some of the cycles include the boom, recession, depression and lastly growth. As noted by Gruen, a recession is a cycle that occurs immediately after a boom. It
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
In your mind, what are the consequences for the party system of the Essay
In your mind, what are the consequences for the party system of the increasing numbers of young Americans who do not identify wi - Essay Example In this survey, the independents constitute 39% of the 18-24 year old voters and 45% of the 25-29 year old voters.1 The significance of this development for the two parties is very important. Particularly, it affects their ability to win during elections. Independents are important for both the Republicans and the Democrats because they have been considered as swing votes, crucial in determining the success of candidates from both parties. This is true given the fact that traditionally both have roughly the same number of membership. To demonstrate this point, one need not look further than the results of the previous U.S. presidential elections wherein no President had so far claimed an overwhelming support from the majority. Lewis-Beck, for instance, explained that the presidential election in the past had been especially close, with the national popular votes split nearly evenly even when landslides occur such as the 1984 victory of Ronald Reagan, when the popular vote was split ( 59-41).2 This phenomenon demonstrates the importance of voters who are not identified with the Republican and Democratic parties. They are free to change their minds and vote outside of party lines. It also explains the variable that has perplexed many political scientists. With the dominance of the Republican or the Democratic Party in an election, there is no guarantee that it stays in office long. In the American experience, there is frequent alternation in power and when A Democrat is elected in the White House, it does not necessarily mean that his party will control the Congress. The young voters, with their aversion to being identified with a particular political ideology, significantly erode the party identification phenomenon, which, for so long, has formed the fundamental support bases of the Republican and Democratic Parties. Jennings and Mann argued that such identification is the psychological force located near the middle of the funnel of causality at a distance from t he ultimate dependent variable, which is the voting choice and characterizes a voter’s orientation to an important group during the elections. 3 Johnston (2006) referred to the successes of party identification during the 1960s and the immediate years afterwards when the political landscape was fixed according to its dynamics and how perceptions and preferences for candidates are largely dictated by party ideology.4 The case today, however, is increasingly different. During the 2008 presidential elections and the recently concluded electoral exercise, the tone of political campaign provided excellent insights. Political candidates focus their messages in such a way that they appeal to independent young voters by taking up the causes and issues that interest them and appeal to their preferences. Candidates were not shy about admitting this and it goes without any sound reasoning. Young voters are fertile grounds by which candidates could mold, guide and change opinions and per spectives. Several other issues underpin the dynamics and voting behavior of young independent voters. The first of these is that a losing political party is often not considered as decisively defeated and chances of bouncing back in the next elections are extremely high. The vote swing that has ensured narrow victory for the incumbent party could turn to their side just as easily in the next elect
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Pepsi-Cola Public Relations Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Pepsi-Cola Public Relations - Case Study Example PR for these largely undifferentiated brands accounts for their market share dominance. PR often has an important role in sustaining brand equity. Long-lived campaigns that presented PepsiCo as the soft drink for the young and those who aspired to be young have helped sustain these brands' position and market share. Moreover, consistently advertising a brand's position serves as a barrier to competitive entry. Relates to what consumers believe about a brand and the category in which it holds membership (Chitty et al 2005). The other type of insight pertains to how consumers use advertising information to make brand decisions. This insight is the basis for planning the advertising function: identifying a target and developing a brand position. In turn, targeting and positioning guide the design of creative and media strategies (Brassington and Pettitt 2003). Three different publics involved in the case are the government, the consumers and competitors. FDA examined all reported cases but "could see any rational reason for the allergen incidents being reported" (There is a Syringer in my Pepsi Can p. 326). The most problem was general public and potential consumers. Negative publicity influenced its brand image and sales volumes. PR may be able to change these beliefs, but it is generally a slow process. PR An of brand linkage is even more likely when a brand does not have a strong point of differentiation from its competition. In this situation, the point of difference becomes an understanding of target consumers and their goals rather than some brand benefit. When several competitors use this same approach the linkage between brand and message is weakened. One motivation factor is the discrepancy between the position advocated in a message and people's current beliefs. Precision is needed in using this motivational device (Chitty et al 2005).If a communication argues for a position that people currently hold, persuasion will be minimal. At most, this approach will reinforce individuals' current beliefs. If a communication is highly discrepant, it is likely to evoke counterarguments and thus have limited influence. The implication is that messages of moderate discrepancy are maximally persuasive. From everyday experience, it might be expected that threat would be an effective means of motivating message elaboration (Brassington and Pettitt 2003). One of the tools used by PepsiCo is "All of evidence" campaign. Thus, it "was lost on the news media" (There is a Syringer in my Pepsi Can p. 326). The main problem is that consumers make purchase decisions based on what they know about a brand, rather than on what they remember from an ad. Whereas explicit ad recall reflects what people can remember about information stated in an ad, advertisers are interested in what people know about their brand. Implicit measures of memory are useful in this regard. Implicit measures solicit what people know without making reference to the origins of their knowledge. For example, brand recall is an implicit measure because people are asked to tell what they know about a brand. The impact of exposure on brand recall is a more appropriate measure of the learning prompted by PR than is ad recall because brand recall is a reflection of what people know rather than what they can remember (Chitty et al 20
Friday, November 15, 2019
Porters National Competitive Advantage Diamond
Porters National Competitive Advantage Diamond Fraser Neave holding Bhd. was incorporated at year 1883 when founders John Fraser and David Chalmers Neave formed a company named Singapore Straits Aerated Water Company in Singapore. Few years later, FN was consolidated and enter the food beverage industry. FN has its own vision to become the leading total beverage company in Malaysia and the region and their mission is to be a world-class multinational enterprise providing superior returns to their shareholders, excellent value for their customers and a rewarding career for their employees. FN Company is one of the Malaysia well known beverage company which the famous product is the isotonic drinks 100plus launched at year 1984. FN produce wide range of beverage that can be classified as soft drinks, dairies, non-carbonated beverages as well as separate business property. They were launching the sweetened condensed filled milk in year 1973, and the acquisition of Nestlà ©s canned milk business in Thailand and Malaysia in year 2007. Other than that FN high quality canned milk was also gain excellent reputation in Malaysia. This product is largely use as beverage mixers in coffee, tea and chocolate drinks and now canned milk has successfully to export this product to more than 20 countries around the world. In addition, the halal certification offers strong reassurance to Muslim customers in the growing Halal markets in the Middle East and Africa. FN Company was awarded The Readers Digest Trusted Brand from year 2005 to 2008, Media Magazine Top 1000 Asian Brands 2007 and so on. It proves that their customer was confident when using their products since they are concern about their health and safety quality. FN Company was continuously improve their quality and brands to challenges the marketplace and to become the leader. FN Company is also well-known company that caring about the social environment and working environment. They implemented and executed various environmental stewardship and launched numerous recycling campaigns in schools to inculcate good environmental habits among young people and thus, create awareness on the importance of recycling. FN Company also set-up a RM1.2 million funds named Chairmans Award to promote educational excellence and to recognize high-achievers among children of FN Groups employees. FN Company has achieved a safety record of zero accident (no loss time accident) accumulated from 1 February 2007 to 21 September 2009 with a total 962 days or 2.3 million working hours. In terms of its environmental compliance incident and achieved zero environmental compliance status. PEST Mission: To be a world-class multinational enterprise providing superior returns to our shareholders, excellent value for our customers and a rewarding career for our employees. Vision: To become the leading total beverage company in Malaysia and the region. Every company has their mission and vision statement served as overall purpose of business. The mission and vision statement above are set by FN. There are external environmental issues have or will affect FN to achieve their mission. These external environmental issues are being categorized according to PEST(EL) model. PEST(EL) model is to analyze the external environment issues of company. It categorized environment issues into political, economic, social, technological, ecological and legal influences. Economic Improving growth prospect of Malaysia, Thailand and the region brings more income to FN as is signals economy are in good condition and peoples are willing to spend hence will increase sales in that particular region. The growth prospects include rising of Malaysia GDP in year 2010 that is approximately 10% compare to 4.5% in 2009 that rise from some major factor of manufacturing industry production with a double digit growth of 16.9% in year 2010. ASEAN countries are growing quick in their economy thus putting FN a favourable factor in growing of profits. FN has built up positive consumer sentiment to their product. For example 100PLUS, isotonic drink that is specialized for sportsmen to retain the metabolism. It is a concept well-built that it is voted number 1 isotonic drinks in Malaysia since its introduction in 1983. That well-built positive sentiment brings others drinks of FN to be well marketable. It is the consumer sentiment to the products enhanced the profitability factor of FN towards other competitor thus is at an advantage in the market. Political Government had put initiative to boost spending of consumer with new economic model (NEM), with this model being pursue, Malaysia economic boost as consumer purchasing power increases and are advised to spend. FN will get benefit by provide goods to be sold to the market hence boosting sales. FN products are all Halal hence are entitled for Halal Hub Tax Incentive. The incentive offered had decreased FN some percentage of tax liability to the government. It made FN more profitable compare to those companies which does not qualified for the incentive. Government has taken back some incentive in year 2009, the withdrawal of subsidy of fuel and sugar has put an impact to FN as most of the FN core businesses needed large amount of sugar which is dairies and soft drink business. The withdrawal of sugar subsidy lower the overall profit of the FN although there is a large improve a sales but the profit doesnt show much improvement as the sugar cost increases. Withdrawals of fuel did also impact on FN as the cost of their internal and external distribution cost increases thus reduces profit. Technological In the beginning of 2011, FN introduced new product, Ice Mountain and it has faster share gain among bottler waters player which established 5% market share in Malaysia. FN launched new beverage Zesta across Malaysia in October 2011.Zesta has remarkably great tasting berry soda flavored soda. It contents the Guarana tropical berries that originate from Amazon, South America. In addition, Guarana tropical berries invigorate the body and mind. Zesta is an extension of our already large array of FN beverages, a beverage that was initiated to complement our existing range of FN brands, creating a transition vehicle for our growing band of consumers, said Dato Ng Jui Sia, CEO of Fraser Neave Holdings Bhd. FN believes that Zesta is the illustration of growing trends for beverage enhanced soda. (Zesta 2011) Environmental Sichuan Earthquake of May 2008 has caused the raw material cost increase and companys profit is affected. Natural disaster is beyond expectation and control of the company. Profit before interest and tax in 2008 grew only 5%. This environmental factor has affected company to achieve their mission. Natural disaster would serve as obstacle that FN provide superior returns to shareholders. Porters 5 forces Today, Fraser Neave Holdings Bhd (FN) has extended business at more than 20 countries worldwide and established itself as a regional player. So that, FN need use Porters five forces model to analysis and understanding the nature of the competitive environment. FN has a lot of benefits from using Porters five forces model. They can ensure that management considers a wide range of potential impacts when devising strategy. They allow the division of the work in environmental analysis and make decision in time. Not only that, Porters five force also developing effective strategies to raise FN profitability, power, and competitive position in an industry. Porters five forces is divided into threat of entry, intensity of competitive rivalry, threat of substitute product, bargaining power of buyer and bargaining power of suppliers. Threat of entry Threat of entry is new entrants into market will bring extra capacity and intensify competition. The strength of the threat from new entrants will depend upon the strength of the barriers to entry and the likely response of existing competition to a new entrant. FN produce two new soft drink FN Clearly Citrus and Zesta were launched in soft drink market at year 2011. Zesta and FN Clearly Citrus are getting customer support and the new produces also have a higher demand from the buyer. Zesta sales would create other competitor have entered the soda market, it will make a threat for the FN affect the market sales. Therefore, FN should defensively competitor who are entered the soda market to creating barriers that new entrants to the market find difficult to overcome. This can ensure the Zesta sales would not affect and ensure the maximize shareholders wealth. FN able to occupy in the Malaysia soda market a very important role. FN have 90% product are using sugar to produce, so that sugars fees occupy more of the material cost. Early government distribution sugar subsidy to sugar supplier that FN can use a lower price to purchases sugar. This can save a lot of unnecessary expenses, so FN can use a lower price to sell them soft drink and dairy product. Government removes all sugar subsidies since year 2011 until now. The serious increase in sugar prices had a major impact, together with the global merchandise cost increase, and led to an inevitable 25 per cent price increase of Sweetened Condensed Milk. This change of government budget makes FN facing a great crisis and bargaining power of supplier. Bargaining power of supplier Bargaining power of suppliers definition with the stronger power of suppliers in an industry the more difficult it is for firms within that sector to make a profit. It is because suppliers can determine the terms and conditions on which business is conducted. When government removes the sugar subsidies, FN need to research and evaluation current sugar supplier what price they giving and analysis the inflation whether FN can accepted. FN should do more research to find another sugar supplier who can provide lower cost to them. FN also facing sugar quality are not same compare with current supplier when choosing a lower cost provided from another supplier. This would make the customer not satisfaction with FN soft drink and dairy product. If FN continue purchase with the current supplier, they should spend more cost with sugar. Then FN would increase selling price to cover back the losses. FN customer would choose another substitute product. Bargaining power of buyer Next, bargaining power of buyer also is a serious problem facing by FN. Bargaining power of buyer sense of the powerful buyer can force price cuts and quality improvement. The government remove sugar subsidy, FN material cost will increase and affect the product selling price to increase. But FN need to concentration of buyer so they cannot random to adjust the selling prince. Buyer also has full information about the soft drink and dairy product market. They should know which company product cheaper, more health and best quality. FN need to hold the customer so they would always improve quality of product and extrusion new product to attract customers attention. Measure FN is a best choice and first choice from customer. This threat is more difficult to control, because FN management need to concentration of buyer and also need to maximize the shareholders wealth. Threat of substitute product Porters 5 forces have indicated that the threat of substitute product is the other firms within the industry has offers similar product with similar benefits for the customer. This threat may affects the competitive environment of the company and influence our ability to achieve profitability. On FN Magnolia have offers Pasteurised Milk and Sterilised Milk. The range of the customers is children and adults. The Pasteurised Fresh Milk can be enjoyed chilled or warm, plain or mixed with other foods or beverages and they innovate into Lo-Fat Hi-Cal Milk provide less fat and more healthier of the Fresh Milk for our body. However, Marigold has offers HL Milk is low-fat milk No.1 in Malaysia. HL Milk has perfect balance of nutrients for everyone in the family and it consists high in calcium and protein, low in fat and lactose and fortified with 9 essential vitamins to supplement healthier lifestyle. Marigold HL Milk is first choice for the customers who are caring health conscious. FN should innovation their milk product provide more healthy to attract or retain consumer choices. Another competitor is Dutch Lady has provided a Dutch Lady Milk powder for satisfy customer needs who want mix it with other favorites coffee or tea and it has a rich and creamy taste and can mixes easily in hot or cold water. Furthermore, Dutch Lady also has provided different formulations to cater to children of different ages to promote their brain development and healthy growth. Therefore, most of the mother would choose Dutch Lady milk products of their children rather than choose FN milk products. FN SEASONS offers soft drink products are leaders in countrys most comprehensive range of consumer, catering to every occasion. The Soya range provides protein nourishment while the Chrysanthemum and Grass Jelly provides healthier refreshment with less sugar let FN SEASONS become best quality and healthy drinks. However, they less favors for the customer choose. YEOS have more favors, such as Lychee drink, Sugarcane drink, Bandung Rose drink, coconut juice, soursop drink and guava drink for the customer to choice. Thence, consumers who are Sugarcane drink lover may change its option to YEOS products. Intensity of competitive rivalry Intensity of competitive rivalry among competitors in the industry try to strive the competitive advantage over the rivals and drives the profit of the rivals firm to zero. The company can gains the competitive advantage by several ways, such as changing the pricing, improving the products differentiation with other and exploiting relationships with suppliers. If can gain more competitive advantage rather than other competitor can increase the profitability of the company. FN only have provided soft drink products and dairy products, appears less competitive advantage compare with others. Nowadays, people more have health conscious when they buying products may choice to buy the products which consists more nutrition. In food and beverage industry also have many company has provide more diet product to satisfied the requirements of the different customers. Like the Dutch Lady Low Fat Yoghurt is a healthy snack and it will enhance the absorption of nutrients, ensuring digestive system stays healthy. It contains Vitamin A,C and E, calcium and Active Live Cultures. In Addition, the Marigold have offer the Yogurt and cultured milk Vitagen which have consists nutrition products for the body. The Vitagen has billions of live probiotic cultures to help maintain a healthy digestive system. Probiotic cultures in VITAGEN can withstand bile and acidic stomach juices and reach the intestines alive to fight harmful bacteria in the intestines. Furthermore, the Yoghurt contains live and active cultureshelp digestion and promote a healthy digestive system and calcium for the development of strong bones and teeth. Marigold also has offers Jelly is a great-tasting double-layered jelly that is filled with fresh fruits. Its cool and refreshing taste makes it great for everyone in the family and contains no preservatives and is a healthy alternative to fruits after a hearty meal. This makes Marigold become Malaysias first and only pasteurised Jelly. This all is key reasons that the consumer may change favors to this type of products. To gain competitive advantage, FN should provide more nutrition products for the customers have more choose. Porters national competitive advantage diamond Porters diamond model suggests that there are inherent reasons why some nations and industries within nations are more competitive than others on a global scale. The argument is that the national home base of an organisation provides organisations with specific factors which will potentially create competitive advantages on a global scale. (Michael Porter 1990) Porters diamond model consist of four conditions of national advantage which are factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supporting industries and firm strategy, structure and rivalry. Factor conditions Firstly, discuss about factor conditions. Factor condition is about important elements that exist in a company which lead to national competitive advantage. It can be country specific or industry specific. FN Dairies had constructed plant in Pulau Indah costs RM350 million and will be completed within the second half of 2011. The new plant promotes cutting edge green technology which would have huge gains in water, energy and environmental conservation. With existence of this plant, FN Dairies could be on the top list of worlds largest producers of canned milk. An increase in production line is an advantage of the company. FN had launched a new RM45 million polyethylene terephthalate (PET) monoblock production line which is the first in Asia Pacific. This able to done all the things in only one production line, for example blow bottles, fill and pack all carbonate soft drinks products. FN has the latest innovation and technology that bring advantage to them. With this latest technology, FN can enhance its operations by continuing improve production lines. FN can produce more products in effective and efficient way. In addition, the new machineries increase as the production lines increases. The warehouse management system has implemented to make operation work run smoothly. Besides, the introduction of new sales forecasting tools helps in manufacturing, if sales forecast is low, the manufacturer will produce less stock. Supply chain act as an important role in a business. Without supply, production would not be carried out. Improvement in supply chain lead to high efficiency of production and logistic by upgrade the systems. FN introduce higher level of operational automation and inventory management to ensure the manufacturing process has no error. Besides, the product quality management make sure that the products are in acceptable quality and safety measures are enhanced in order the product would not harm people. Demand conditions Secondly, the demand conditions state that if the local market for a product is larger and more demanding at home than in foreign markets, local firms potentially put more emphasis on improvements than foreign companies. This will potentially increase the global competitiveness of local exporting companies. FN non-carbonated portfolio has slightly increased from 25.4 per cent to 28 per cent in soft drinks business. This represent there is a growing demand for drinks. During the year, FN included fruit teas and juices to its range of soft drinks, and launch new drink called Zesta recently catering consumers of this segment. The ability to innovate, differentiate and manufacture new product lines will bring advantages such as gain more market share. FN Fruit Tree released five new flavours in bottle form which are orange, apple, lychee, blackcurrant and mango. As the demand increases, Fruit Tree has becoming one of the fastest growing categories in Malaysia. The new flavours are the extension to the Fruit Tree cans range and the research shows that consumer preference toward these flavours compared to other brand in the market. FN Holding Berhad has built a new warehouse in Kuching which triple larger than previous warehouse capacity to improve the quality of service and make sure delivery to customers is on time. Furthermore, it utilised advanced warehousing technology such as high selective racking, super flat flooring and Very Narrow Aisleway (VNA) trucks. Related and supporting industries Thirdly, the related and supporting industries mean that when local supporting industries and suppliers are competitive, home country companies will potentially get more cost efficient and receive more innovative products. In February 2010, 100PLUS signed a partnership agreement with AirAsia Berhad, officially sell 100PLUS on AirAsia flights which depart from Malaysia. AirAsia Berhad is a Malaysia top airlines company, being a partner of AirAsia Berhad has a real competitive advantage for FN. This agreement is a big step for division to extend business offshore. Passenger dehydration happened frequently in air travel, with 100PLUS the passenger can get over the dehydration. Support from AirAsia is like an advertisement effect, whenever there is a flight, there is an appearance of 100PLUS. Firm strategy, structure and rivalry Lastly, which are firm strategy, structure and rivalry. Structure and management system can affect competitiveness. FN is running beverage and dairies business in addition to food business too. FN buy 23.08 per cent share in Cocoaland Holdings Berhad. Cocoaland is a major snack food manufacturer in Malaysia. FN is diversifying the business risk to various subsidiaries. FN develop the food business to supplement beverage and dairies business. As the Malaysia grow into high income economy country, the consumption of middle income will increase and food business will be benefited. GE model 3 portfolio business Property Dairy product Soft drink GE business matrix Industry Attractiveness- Market growth rate Business Strength- Brand Strength High Medium Low High Investment/ Growth Soft drinkSelective Growth Selectivity Medium Selective Growth Dairy productSelectivity Harvest/Divest Property businessLow Selectivity Harvest/Divest Harvest/Divest Our business has divided into 3 portfolio and that are Soft Drinks, Dairy Product and Property. First of all we use the market growth rate as our industry attractiveness factors and brand strength as our business factors. Soft Drinks Our main soft drinks business portfolio will be classified at the classes of selective growth. Our company soft drink like 100plus and Zesta was popular in Malaysia; our brand has already helped our company bring certain level of stable income. Our business from year 2007 until 2011 has seems growth constantly that at year 2007 increase 9%,2008 11%, 2009 11%,2010 19% and 2011 grow 12%. At year 2011 the growth has slow down it is because the subsidy of sugar had removed by the government. The impact on FN is their production cost is increase and cause their profitability decline. The attractive of the beverage market will decline and potential competitor will have more consideration to decide whether to or not to enter into soft drink industry. Moreover, Sichuans earthquake causes the prices of the aluminum increase. That mean one of the main direct material has been affect again. Industry attractive will place at the medium due to the problem of sugar subsidy and the aluminum prices arise. Dairy Product Our dairy product will classified at the classes of selectivity. Our company dairy products have included sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, pasteurised milk, UHT milk, juice and ice cream. In year 2007, our revenue on dairy products has significant increase by 102% compare with year 2006 and subsequent increase 38% in year 2008. In year 2009 the revenue of the dairy product decline by 6%, but increase 5% in year 2010. Revenue has constant in year 2011 compare with year 2010. Our dairy product has classified at selectivity, with medium level of attractiveness and medium business strength on the dairy product. Although the product Milo are popular in the Malaysia, but Milo is not own by our company, we just a franchise on it. This will reduce our business strength due to our dairy product not a major player in the market. The dairy product will less attractive for investors consider investing because the deliberate the milk market will very costly. In addition, the cost of tec hnical for hire staff and the cost of technology for produce the dairy product also costly for subsequent production cost. Moreover, the dairy product license also difficult to get approval by the government. New entrant will find difficult to entry, because the market has been controlled and play by a few big competitor. These create barriers for the new entrant find difficult to entry. Property Our property business had generated more revenue in year 2007 compare with the year 2006 by 6%. Revenue for the year 2008 had decline by 24% compare to year 2007. In subsequent two year had increase by 65% and 20% in year 2009 and 2010, but decline again in year 2011. Our property business have classified at selectivity with high level of attractiveness and low business strength. Our company more concentrate in the soft drink product and has no hard to promote our property to the public, not many people know that our business has already enter into it. Our property business has not like our beverage business seemed so successful and our business strength in this industry is low. The property business has high profitability in this industry will attract more investor to entry. Our government encourage removing the old building and build more new business park in order to make our country more prosperity. Moreover, our property business is at growth stage because just introduce into in dustry so do not have strong business strength on the property business. Ratio analysis Revenue of continuing operation continues to grow from 2009 to 2010 by 11.2% and 2010 to 2011 7.6%. In 2010, the revenue is able to grow better than 2011 due to improved economic conditions. Malaysia Government has introduced New Economic Model 2010 helps to boost spending in Malaysia. Profit before interest and tax growth rate also decline from 2010 to 2011, 31% to 14%. The result was affected because of particular division wasnt doing well in 2011. Soft Drink Soft Drink division has current ratio of 1.77 and 1.99 for year 2010 and 2011. It indicated improvement in managing assets and liabilities. The growth momentum of soft drink division has continued. The division has been doing well over the years. It contributes the largest profit to FN. In 2010, the soft drink division was able to generate revenue 21% more compared to last year. Soft drink was delivering higher volume especially during festive periods such as Chinese New Year. In addition, sales volume of 100Plus Seasons have grew more than 20% and reflected strong consumption and growing popularity of the brands. 100Plus generated over 88% of market share in isotonic category and Seasons generated 27% market share of Asian drink category. While Badminton competition Thomas Cup was around, 100PLUS Thomas Cup 1 Million Support Campaign was held for Malaysian to show their support for Malaysian badminton team. Apart from that, the division served as distributor of Red Bull energy drinks in Malaysia and commenced from 1 April 2010. Soft drink volume was able to benefit from Red Bull which contributed 2.2% helps to improve the divisions beverage portfolio. (Annual Report 2010) Soft drink division grew only 16% from 2010 to 2011. The growth rate is eroded due to the reason of Malaysian government has withdrawn the subsidy of sugar and fuel. Therefore, raw material cost has increased and causes the profit margin diminished. Coca-Cola business exits the FN in September 2011 which also the reason of profit margin diminished. However, 100Plus and Seasons still generated volume growth 10% and 14% to benefits the division. 100Plus and Seasons are the leading brands in the division and continue to enhance the divisions beverage portfolio. 100Plus was being promoted continuously as 100PLUS New Thematic Launch in July 2011. Beside, FN SEASONS Nourishing You Malaysia National Consumer Contest held between March and April 2011 to create consumers awareness that Season as healthy brand. The division also has introduced new product, Ice Mountain in Malaysia and it is able to establish 5% market share. The division has enhanced the market share of Red Bull in energy drin ks from 40% to 46.8%. It is because RED BULL ENERGIZING MALAYSIA contest has conducted and grand prize is Proton Saga. In addition, division also has organized 1million Bottle Giveaway consumer promotion. (Annual 2011) Dairies Malaysia Dairies Malaysia division has current ratio 3.07 and 4.14 for year 2010 and 2011. The division has quite high current ratio for both years and year 2011 has higher current ratio because liabilities of division have been reduced. Overall sales volume has improved 7% from 2009 to 2010. The ongoing improvement on global economy had a positive impact on consumer sentiment and consumption. Profit before interest and tax of the division has improvement of 8.4% for the reason that division has enjoyed lower raw material cost during first half of the year. However, the positive effect is reversed by raw material cost was higher during second half of the year. Therefore, an increase in price of sweetened condensed and evaporated milk which causes demand diminished. Dairies Malaysia is having over 62% market share and condensed milk brand is able to strengthen its number 1 position with 24% market share. (Annual Report 2010) Dairies Malaysia doesnt doing well in 2011 because the sales volume has declined 15.2%. More than that, revenue and profit before interest tax also decline 6.6% and 45.8%. Malaysian Government has withdrawn subsidy of sugar which cause the price of sugar increased. Beside, global commodity costs have increased together with impact from sugar cost which cause price of Sweetened Condensed Milk increased by 25%. Price of Sweetened Condensed Milk created inflation pressures to consumers and caused the sales volume declined. Apart from that, the sugar subsidy withdrawn on selective basis by government and create unfair competitive environment to Sweetened Condensed Milk manufacturers. The division was still able to getting 60% market share for both Sweetened Condensed Milk and Evaporated Milk markets. (Annual Report 2011) Dairies Thailand Current ratio of division in year 2010 and 2011 are 3.35 and 2.87. The current ratio is considered relatively high but it has decreased because liabilities of division have increased. The sales volume of division has grown 10.6% but revenue only grew 6.6% in year 2010. However, profit before interest and tax has increased 16.6%. Rojana Industrial Estate was operated in December 2009, working as the biggest canned milk manufacturing plant in the region. In July 2010, Dairies Thailand relocated to its Rojana Warehouse Distribution Centre, placed 300 meters nearby to its Rojana dairy plant. Distribution Centre is located to run into the present capacity requirement of the Rojana Plant. It is able to upkeep business growth and future expansion for operations. The division was generating substantial savings of transportation cost. Carnation and TEA POT brands continued to contribute excellent performance to canned milk portfolio. Carnation Sweetened Beverage Creamer (SBC) and Carnation Evaporated Milk (EVAP) have sales growth of over 20 per cent. Carnation Sweetened Beverage Creamer captured market share of 29 per cent while Carnation Evaporated Milk grew three percentage points to record 73 per cent market share. In addition, Bear Brand Sterilized Milk was market leader which captured 98% market share in sterilized milk segment. (Annual Report 2010)<
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Distance Learning Followed by World Première :: Katalin Pocs Evening Song Music Essays
Distance Learning Followed by World Premià ¨re Esti Dal (Evening Song) by Katalin Pà ³cs was written for the Indiana University International Vocal Ensemble and harpist Erzsà ©bet Gaà ¡l in January 2000. The composition received its world premià ¨re conducted by Professor Mary Goetze on April 9, 2000 at IU School of Music, Bloomington, Indiana. Katalin Pà ³cs is one of the leading members of the young generation of Hungarian composers. Her compositions include orchestral and chamber works that have been performed throughout Europe. She has performed some of her own piano music in Berlin, Gdansk, Moscow, Munich, and Vienna. In addition, Pà ³cs has written electronic works that were performed in Canada, as well as works for harp, for example a Septet called Vibrarions and a solo piece called Ballade which were introduced by Erzsà ©bet Gaà ¡l in Hungary and in the United States. In her setting of the folk song Esti Dal, Pà ³cs employs the sounds of mixed choir, harp, and synthesized music. These three elements blend together to express the song's text about wandering, weariness, and a plea to God for rest and shelter. This choral work connects the past with the present by incorporating an ancient tonal Hungarian folk song into a modern texture with harp accompaniment. The addition of an electronic sound track that creates new relationships between consonance and dissonance in the music juxtaposes tradition with present 21st century practices. Mary Goetze is a Professor of Music and Chairperson of the Music in General Studies Department. She founded the International Vocal Ensemble in 1995. The choir specializes in the recreation of music from outside the European and American art traditions. Through the learning process, the choir becomes acquainted not only with the music itself but also with the related aspects of the culture and language. In 1996, Dr. Goetze was awarded a grant from Indiana University for a project entitled "Multicultural Music Education" which allowed her to do research in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Currently she is co-authoring a series of CD ROM's that facilitate the oral transmission of vocal music from diverse sources. In preparation for the first performance, the International Vocal Ensemble had the privilege to work with composer Pà ³cs on her new composition through a satellite hook-up connection between Budapest, Hungary and Bloomington, Indiana that was made possible by the Center for the St udy of Global Change on IU's campus. A technology called interactive compressed video opened the door for the choir and the composer to work together on Esti Dal notwithstanding a difference of six time zones.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Drink-at-Home, Inc Essay
CASE 2: DRINK-AT-HOME, INC. Drink-At-Home, Inc. (DAH, Inc. ), develops, processes, and markets mixes to be used in nonalcoholic cocktails and mixed drinks for home consumption. Mrs. Lee, who is in charge of research and development at DAH, Inc. , this morning notified Mr. Dick Jones, the president, that exciting developments in the research and development section indicate that a new beverage, an instant pina colada, should be possible because of a new way to process and preserve coconut. Mrs. Lee is recommending a major program to develop the pina colada. She estimates that expenditure on the development may be as much as $100,000 and that as much as a year’s work may be required. In the discussion with Mr. Jones, she indicated that she thought the possibility of her outstanding people successfully developing such a drink now that she’d done all the really important work was in the neighborhood of 90 percent. She also felt that the likelihood of a competing company developing a similar product in 12 months was 80 percent. Mr. Jones is strictly a bottom line guy and is concerned about the sales volume of such a beverage. Consequently, Mr. Jones talked to Mr. Besnette, his market research manager, whose specialty is new product evaluation, and was advised that a market existed for an instant pina colada, but was some-what dependent on acceptance by both grocery stores and retail liquor stores. Mr. Besnette also indicated that the sales reports indicate that other firms are considering a line of tropical drinks. If other firms should develop a competing beverage the market would, of course, be split among them. Mr. Jones pressed Mr. Besnette to make future sales estimates for various possibilities and to indicate the present (discounted value of future profits) value. Mr. Besnette provided Table 1. Mr. Besnette’s figures did not include (1) cost of research and development, (2) cost of new production equipment, or (3) cost of introducing the pina colada. The cost of the new production equipment is expected to be $ 100,000 because of the special way the coconut needs to be handled, and the cost of introducing the new product is expected to be about $150,000 because of the point-of purchase displays that would be necessary to introduce the new product. Mrs. Lee has indicated that she does have alternative development proposals, which are: 1. A reduced research program to see someone else comes out with the product first and if not, then proceed with a crash program. The reduced program for the first eight months would cost $10,000 per month. One advantage of this is that if the effort was unsuccessful, then development costs would be held to the eight-month figure (8 months ? $ 10,000 = $80,000). The likelihood of success under this approach is the same as the more orderly development. (The likelihood of a competing company developing a product in 8 months is 60 percent.) The crash development program would take place in months 9 through 12 and would cost an additional $60,000. It would proceed only if the eight-month study guaranteed a success. 2. Use a reduced research program and maintain an awareness of industry developments to see if someone else develops a product. If someone else has developed a product at the end of six months, it would cost only an additional $30,000 to analyze their product and duplicate it. The reduced development program would cost $10,000 per month. Mr. Besnette, being the great marketer that he is, is of course reluctant to be second on the market with a new product. He says that the first product on the market will usually obtain a greater share of the market, and it will be difficult to win those customers back. Consequently, he indicates that only about 50 percent of the sales that he indicated in Table 1 could be expected if Drink-at-Home waited until competing brands were already on the market. Moreover, he suspects that there is only a 50/50 chance that the competitor will be out with a product within the next six months. There are four options: (1) orderly development of the pina colada, (2) modest development effort followed by the crash program, (3) a modest development effort for the first six months to see if a competitive product comes on the market, and (4) do nothing. TABLE 1. Sales and Profit Potentials Consumer Acceptance Substantial Moderate Low (Sales Potential) Probability Present Values 0. 10 0. 60 0. 30 (Discounted Value of Future Profits) $800,000 $600,000 $500,000 What would you recommend? Show all supporting solutions/computations. Source: http://wps. pearsoned. co. uk/ema_ge_render_qam_11/202/51952/13299854. cw/content/index. html.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The 6 Cases of Latin Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives
The 6 Cases of Latin Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives There are six cases of Latin nouns that are commonly used. Another two- locative and instrumental- are vestigial and are not often used. Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and participles are declined in two numbers (singular and plural) and in six principal cases. The Cases and Their Grammatical Position in Sentences Nominative (nominativus): Subject of the sentence.Genitive (genitivus): Generally translated by the English possessive, or by the objective with the preposition of.Dative (dativus): Indirect object. Usually translated by the objective with the preposition to or for.Accusative (accusativus): Direct object of the verb and object with many prepositions. Ablative (ablativus): Used to show means, manner, place, and other circumstances. Usually translated by the objective with the prepositions from, by, with, in, at.Vocative (vocativus): Used for direct address. Vestigial Cases: Locative (locativus): Denotes the place where. This vestigial case is often left out of Latin noun declensions. Traces of it appear in names of towns and a few other words: RÃ… mae (at Rome) / rÃ… «rÄ « (in the country). Still another vestigial case, the instrumental, appears in a few adverbs.​ All the cases, except the nominative and vocative, are used as object cases; they are sometimes called oblique cases (cÄ sÃ… «s oblÄ «quÄ «). Five Declensions of Nouns and Their Endings Nouns are declined according to gender, number, and case (a declension is essentially a fixed pattern of endings). There are only five regular declensions of nouns in Latin; there is a sixth for some pronouns and adjectives that end in -ius in the genitive case form. Each noun is declined according to number, gender, and case. This means that there are six sets of case endings for five declensions of nouns- one set for each declension. And students have to memorize them all. Below are brief descriptions of the five noun declensions, with links to the full declension for each, including the case endings for each declension. 1. First declension nouns: End in -a in the nominative singular and are feminine. 2. Second declension nouns: Most are masculine and end in -us, -er or -ir.Some are neuter and end in -um. Esse: The all-important irregular verb esse (to be) belongs to this group. Words associated with it are in the nominative case. It does not take an object and should never be in the accusative case. The following is a sample paradigm* of the second declension masculine noun somnus, -i (to sleep). The case name is followed by the singular, then the plural. *Note that the term paradigm is frequently used in discussions of Latin grammar; a paradigm is an example of a conjugation or declension showing a word in all its inflectional forms. Nominative somnus somniGenitive somni somnorumDative somno somnisAccusative somnum somnosAblative somno somnisLocative somni somnisVocative somne somni 3. Third declension nouns: End in -is in the genitive singular. Thats how you identify them. 4.​ Fourth declension nouns: Ending in -us are masculine, apart from manus and domus, which are feminine. Fourth declension nouns ending in -u are neuter. 5. Fifth declension nouns: End in -es and are feminine.The exception is dies, which is usually masculine when singular and always masculine when plural.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on The American Revolution
The initial relationship between the North American colonies and Great Britain was positive, each side benefiting from the other. England’s hold of these colonies was a major asset to them financially and had major positive affects on their economy. As was it the same from the other end, as Edmund S. Morgan agrees that the colonists felt they had advantages as being part of the British Empire. The policy under which England governed the colonies, known as salutary neglect, was very loose; the only regulations being the Navigation Acts. These were placed on the colonies but were not harshly enforced. However, as the competition for world power began to increase between imperial countries, England felt it would be further beneficial if they strengthened their control of the colonies, who in turn, would lose freedoms. Due to the actions taken by England from the mid-1750’s to the eve of the Revolution, the Americans drastically shifted their view of their mother government . The increasing firmness of Great Britain’s control over the colonies prompted the first of the colonists’ revolutionary thoughts. Parliament passed the Proclamation of 1763, which created boundaries of where the colonists could settle. This new sense of control upset the Americans, but not enough for any major action. Next, in 1764, the Sugar Act was passed, which tightened the sugar and molasses market to British agents. It also put duties on foreign imports to raise revenues. The colonial reaction was the first experiments with boycotts of the import. According to Thomas Draper, the colonists initially wanted to return to the way things were prior to 1763, because that had worked in their favor. The following year, the Stamp Act was passed, and was met with extreme opposition. It affected almost every colonist in everyday life, and limited not only their political rights, but their legal rights as well. The colonists reacted in various and numerous forms fro... Free Essays on The American Revolution Free Essays on The American Revolution Many historians trace the beginnings of the modern world to the Revolutions of the late 1700's. The first of these was the American Revolution, in which 13 British Colonies in North America declared their independence from their mother country and successfully resisted British Military pressure for seven years (1775-1783). Even before the Declaration of Independence was signed, British troops began arriving to put down the rebellion. These troops would not leave for five years. In 1775, the first military conflicts between the British and Americans occurred at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts as British soldiers attempted to capture a storehouse of American weapons. During this time the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and named George Washington commander of American troops fighting around Boston, which the British had under siege. Before Washington arrived, British and American troops clashed at Breed’s Hill and Bunker Hill. In 1776, Thomas Paine, a writer arrived from Britain, and he published Common Sense, a pamphlet that urged the American colonies to throw off British rule. The Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia after the Second Continental Congress decided that the colonies must break away from the British rule. The British finally left Boston but they captured New York City after fighting General Washington and his troops. The Americans retreated to Pennsylvania. Between 1776 and 1777 during a surprise move on the British and their Hessian mercenaries, Washington captured British garrisons at Trenton and Princeton, New Jersey taking weapons and ammunition. American troops defeated combined forces of the British at Saratoga, New York. A turning point in the war, this victory strengthened American morals and convinced the French to send military aid and supplies to the Americans. During the bitter Winter of 1777-1778 American soldiers faced starvation and ... Free Essays on The American Revolution In Kirk D. Werner’s book The American Revolution, I learned all I ever wanted to know about the American Revolution. The book began from the very beginning, clear back before they came to the New World. I will discuss the main three reasons why the colonist’s left England; those were because of Political, Economic and Social Causes. I will also discuss the several Acts that were approved in the Revolution. In my opinion of the American Revolution the Political reason was the most important, because for the most part the colonists did not agree that the Parliament had the right to make laws for American colonists and to tax them when the colonists had no elected representatives in the Parliament. Other Political causes of the Revolution were the proclamation of 1763, which were, plans to reduce conflicts with the colonists and the Indians. It stated that no one was permitted to cross the mountains without the consent of British officials. American fur traders who wanted to settle the western lands resented the Proclamation. The colonists living in America had enjoyed relative freedom from England since they arrived. They came to the New World, after all, to escape England, for whatever reasons they may have had- religious, economic, or social. So when England decided in the eighteenth century that they were going to crack down on the colonies, the announcement was not met with open arms. In fact, rebellion was expected. Everhart 2 The Economic causes of the Revolution are second most important. In the eyes of Great Britain the American colonists’ primary job was to build a favorable balance of trade. With a favorable balance of trade a nation could be self-sufficient, become wealthy and build a powerful army and navy. However the British laws were to hard on the American colonists. The Sugar Act of 1764, placed taxes on molasses, sugar and other products imported from places outside the British Empire. M... Free Essays on The American Revolution â€Å"Americans saw themselves as a new society ideally equipped for a republican future.†(pg 4) This is what John Adams said in reference to the American Revolution. People realized that they did not like how Britain was ruling them from afar and they thought they knew what they needed better than any King would. After starting to think thing way, many things pushed them closer and closer to fight for their independence. After the French were defeated in the French and Indian War, people wanted to own land and started to settle farther towards the western frontier. Everyone wanted land. People like Ezra Stiles, a minister in Newport, to Benjamin Franklin wanted to buy and sell land. The Indians were getting frustrated with the settlers because they kept taking more and more of their land. The British decided to use royal troops to stop the Indians from fighting with the settlers. The population in the backcountry was growing due to many settlers coming from all over Europe. Since the population was growing, authority was weakening but cities were getting richer and normal Americans could afford luxurious things that only the wealthy owned before. One of the biggest problems for Britain was reorganizing the territory they got from France and Spain after the Seven Years’ war: new governments, Indian regulation, land claims, and warfare between settlers and Indians. The war caused Britain a huge debt and to keep the fighting down between Indians and the settlers, they had to keep troops in America. To help pay for all this debt, the British had to tax somebody so they decided to make taxes on things for the American settles, for example the Sugar Act of 1764, the Stamp Act of 1765, and the Molasses Act of 1733. This made settlers very mad and they declared these acts as unconstitutional and tried to do what they could to ignore them. In response to this, the British decided to use indirect taxes instead of direct. This only paid a... Free Essays on The American Revolution The initial relationship between the North American colonies and Great Britain was positive, each side benefiting from the other. England’s hold of these colonies was a major asset to them financially and had major positive affects on their economy. As was it the same from the other end, as Edmund S. Morgan agrees that the colonists felt they had advantages as being part of the British Empire. The policy under which England governed the colonies, known as salutary neglect, was very loose; the only regulations being the Navigation Acts. These were placed on the colonies but were not harshly enforced. However, as the competition for world power began to increase between imperial countries, England felt it would be further beneficial if they strengthened their control of the colonies, who in turn, would lose freedoms. Due to the actions taken by England from the mid-1750’s to the eve of the Revolution, the Americans drastically shifted their view of their mother government . The increasing firmness of Great Britain’s control over the colonies prompted the first of the colonists’ revolutionary thoughts. Parliament passed the Proclamation of 1763, which created boundaries of where the colonists could settle. This new sense of control upset the Americans, but not enough for any major action. Next, in 1764, the Sugar Act was passed, which tightened the sugar and molasses market to British agents. It also put duties on foreign imports to raise revenues. The colonial reaction was the first experiments with boycotts of the import. According to Thomas Draper, the colonists initially wanted to return to the way things were prior to 1763, because that had worked in their favor. The following year, the Stamp Act was passed, and was met with extreme opposition. It affected almost every colonist in everyday life, and limited not only their political rights, but their legal rights as well. The colonists reacted in various and numerous forms fro... Free Essays on The American Revolution There are several reasons that the 13 colonies tried to gain their independence from Britain. First off, Britain taxed all imports and exports from the colonies, and the taxes were unreasonable high. Second, the British used the Americas to send all their criminals to, which in turn started to pollute the states with crime. Third, the British government was not applied to the states in a way that it could be enforced, due to the lack of government officials. British soldiers were also very hostile towards the new colonies, and the population as a whole was being suppressed. This is when all the colonies came together and decided to revolt against Britain for their freedom. The first battle started after the governor of Massachusetts, ordered by the British, sent 700 troops to Concord to destroy the colonialists’ weapons on April 18th 1775. Paul Revere and William Dawes went to Lexington to warn Sam Adams and John Hancock about the attack. The next morning about 70 militiamen prevented the British from invading the town. April 23rd 1775, the colonial army, with a force of 13,600 men, starts a yearlong attack on the main British port of Boston. May 10th, the Second Continental Congress convenes in Philadelphia, and five days later, they unanimously vote for George Washington to be the commander-in-chief of the continental army. The first major fight was the Battle of Bunker Hill. The fight might have been won by the American is they had not run out of ammunition. Overall 400 American troops and over 1,000 British died during the battle. July 3rd 1775, George Washington takes control of the 17,000 men in the American Army. November 28th, the American Navy is established, and John Paul Jones is appointed top lieutenant. John Paul Jones did daring raids along the British coast and the famous victory of the HMS Serapis, when after his ship started sinking and caught fire, said, â€Å"I have not yet begun to fight†, and eve...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
International marketing plan strategy to pentrate new market Research Paper
International marketing plan strategy to pentrate new market - Research Paper Example The present study would cover the aspect of international marketing strategies of Emirates airline in the Indian market. The choice of market assumes significance considering the fact that it is among the fastest growing economies of the globe. The analysis would be done in two parts. The first part would constitute an analysis of the external market environment along with the information about the product and the services being offered by the company. The second section would deal with the market audit and an analysis of the marketing strategies to be employed by the firm in the Indian market. Finally, a set of plausible conclusions and recommendations would be framed on the basis of the analysis conducted in the two sections which would help the firm to establish itself in the lucrative Indian market. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Part A 5 Introduction 5 About the Company 6 Product or Service Analysis 8 Environmental Analysis 8 PESTEL Analysis 8 Summary of Part A 11 Market Audit 11 Analysis of Micro Environment 12 Market Analysis 12 External Analysis 15 Customer Analysis 15 Competitors 15 SWOT Analysis 15 Strengths 15 Weakness 16 Opportunities 16 Threats 16 Preliminary Marketing Strategy 16 Product 16 Price 17 Place 17 Promotions 17 People 18 Process 18 Physical Evidence 18 Conclusion 19 Recommendations 20 References 22 Annexure 25 Part A Introduction The dynamics of international trade and business is changing with time. Globalization is the primary reason behind such changes and this has also brought multiple improvements in the field of international trade and business. The business organizations have become more conscious as competitiveness in the global market has been increasing significantly. Besides, the regulatory bodies of different economies are supporting the free trade policies that also led to intensified degree of competition level. In this respect, Hope and Maeleng have identified the free trade policies as â€Å"c ompetition-enhancing device†as these policies enables companies to enter into new markets with greater opportunities (Hope and Maeleng, 1998, p.52). However, when companies decide to expand their business internationally, they have to take many factors into account for success in the foreign market. There are significant differences between the natures and features of domestic market and international market due to cultural diversity, different macro-environmental factors etc. This paper will attempt to deal with international market planning strategy for Emirates Airlines. The primary aim of this paper is to offer a set of actionable and plausible strategies to Emirates Airlines for Indian airline industry. In order to meet this aim, this paper will present an extensive discussions, analyses and findings based on which a set of relevant and effective recommendations will be formulated. This paper will be presented in two parts. The first part will present a brief analysis of company, its product or service and macro environmental analysis of Indian economy with respect of airline industry. Second part will include strategy formulation for marker entry based on the outcomes of analysis. About the Company Emirates Airlines is the largest air travel service company of the Middle East. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Mr. Flanagan took the initiatives for starting an airline travel services and they founded a company called Emirates
Friday, November 1, 2019
Does Motivating Nurses Lead to Higher Levels of Job Satisfaction Literature review
Does Motivating Nurses Lead to Higher Levels of Job Satisfaction - Literature review Example Job satisfaction is the level to which an employee of an organization is content with their position and enjoys their role (Armstrong 2006.) Satisfaction on the job is of considerable interest in the health services industry. Job satisfaction has a direct correlation with improved job productivity and also predicts lower employee turnover rates and reduction of absenteeism (Cohen and Golan 2007).  However, there is a gap in the research literature as to whether motivating nurses improves job satisfaction. There could potentially be mitigating circumstances of a nursing position or the specific health services environment where a nurse is employed that improves job satisfaction without necessarily considering motivation. For example, Craven, Hirnle, and Jensen (2013) assert that nurses require meaningful social relationships and affection in order to experience higher levels of job satisfaction. Favorable feelings about one’s job encompass the essence of job satisfaction (Robbins 2005).  In an environment where nursing supervisors must develop appropriate strategies to improve job satisfaction, learning whether motivational strategies are sufficient enough is of considerable concern in an effort to create new best practice leadership strategies to boost performance and productivity of nurses. If motivation is inadequate for improving nurses’ job satisfaction, then nursing supervisors can determine other, more valuable strategies to create a rewarding and productive work environment for diverse nursing professionals. Â
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