Saturday, August 31, 2019
Baz Luhrman’s Romeo and Juliet: Movie Review
Romeo + Juliet Film review The film â€Å"Romeo + Juliet†was released in 1996, with Baz Luhrman as director. This is one of the most famous love plays written by Shakespeare, screenplay was by Craig Pearce. Romeo and Juliet is a film about forbidden love and how tragic love can end. The film was shot in Miami, but most of all in Mexico. The main actors are Leonardo DiCaprio as Romeo and Claire Danes as Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is about two teenagers that fall madly and deeply in love in Verona, italy, it takes place in the present time.Romeo is an 18 years old, poor rebel and son of the Montague family. He has chestnut hair, soft olive skin, charming blue eyes and a determined but kind mind. Juliet is an 18 years old, rich daughter of the Capulets. Juliet has long dark hair, gorgeous green eyes and clear pearl skin. She doesn’t like being pushed into doing things she cant decide for herself. Juliet loves Romeo and vise versa. As if it weren’t enough problems wit h relationships at a young age, their families were great enemies. This makes it physically impossible to for them to be together.This particular film is a renewed version of the actual story written by Shakespeare. Therefore you can relate a bit more to the actors actions and drama. Romeo is a smart guy, and come up with some clever ideas for the two of them to meet. In one of his last attempts to end the â€Å"war†between their families, something goes totally wrong and destroys their chances forever. The music and sound was made and set by Nellee Hooper. The sound effects were really intense and aggressive, but that only made the story come more to life.The way they talked was extremely special, it set the mood of Shakespeare’s originality and realness. The message the film wanted to give was that you should always follow what you want. Forbidden love is possible to make just love, you just have to fight with everything you have. When teenagers get determined about something they do not forget it easily. â€Å"Romeo + Juliet†will always be an incredible and beautiful love story, that many can relate to. I loved the tension between the two families and the problems that kept on coming during the film.I was really exited every time Romeo and Juliet were secretly meeting. The frighting thought about being caught and killed was constantly there. The only thing that was difficult to understand was the language. In the film they talked the original â€Å"old english†that Shakespeare used in his time. It was not easy to understand everything they said. Since I had heard about the story and read it before, I knew what was going to happen. Over all Romeo & Juliet is a beautiful love story that will never be forgotten.
Economic Systems Essay
Within the activity parameters of the economy, there come the economic systems. Economic system may be defined as an array and the nature of the interactive forces of the economic activity in the pursuit of the broad national resources in methods and means that brings the most optimal allocation within the economic units. In studying this concept, it remains solely an important factor to put into consideration the aspect of the limited resources. This attribute in an important enterprise that work to define the situational mobility in the use of these resources by the members of the society. In terms of economic systems, the capitalistic and socialist economies have certain features that may be voted as advantages and disadvantages in relation to one another. Since the ages of industrial revolution, these two systems have been developed. In the American enterprise, they have remarkably been in application. To define capitalism firstly, it is the market economic systems in which the decision about the market are decentralized to the firms and economic units with only a complimented influence by the government in supply of the public goods such as justice and national defense. The provision of the products and services are a decision by the owners of the factors of production (firms) that make rational decisions about what to produce, how much, when and whom to produce for. There is private ownership of the factors of production by firms with the main goal being profit maximization. (Foley, Pyle, 2003) On the other hand, socialist economy is the case where the resource package of the economy is deemed to be owned solely by the central government. The economy depicts a well planned system, with equality and equity been the presumptive decisions. Capitalistic economy is based on political frontiers which dictate that the ownership of the factors used in production is in the hands of the firms which use various investments schedules to increase their profit. In the due to process to strike a balance between these two systems, it is important to analyze the efficiency precept of the capitalistic economy. At one level, through personal persuasion in the conscience of his personal interest within the economy, he/she will help to bring a success to the broad economy as a whole and consequently benefit one another. When people choose to act on personal grounds without government regulation, there is a higher creation in the wealth factor by them then the consequence laxity that may be brought about if the ownership of these resources is by the government. Respect to more efforts into the economic activity at the personal level, the living standards will consequently improve. (Barnett, 2005) Within the economic framework, are the firms who own the limited factors of production. The economic activities are broad and intense with various packages of commodities and services as output. The market itself is competitive in nature with the price determination under the control of the existing forces of the market supply as well as the demand. Price level defines the level of consumption of the products by the rational consumers. When the prices are up, the consumers lower the level of consumption with the opposite still holding. However, in the capitalistic system, the price is determined by these forces which are never exploitation to the consumers or a loss to the firms. The equilibrium point between the demand function and the supply yields the equilibrium price. Sheridan, 1998) Generally, the national resources that involve both natural and human resources are limited. Consequently, such limitation to the level of resources implies the need for maximum exploitation. However, the capitalistic system is evident in the efficient exploitation and the use of these resources. At one level, these resources are owned solely by the firms. With the high population of such firms against the little package of the existing resources, there is an optimal subdivision of such resources between the firms. In there bid to create wealth on personal dimensions, the firms involve themselves in persuasive activities aimed at optimizing the scale of the available resources. On another scale, this can be related to the motivational aspect developed to them as reasoned to them been the owners of the state resources. Through this ownership, they apply various economies of scales and investment pattern that are adapted to providing the most optimal and efficient scale of output. Private ownership of resources seeks to fight the weaknesses found in the state ownership where there is generally a suboptimal scale in such resource use. Consequently therefore, the capitalist system signifies efficiency through optimal allocation of resources (Nash, 2003) Within their operation, is the competitive market comprised of many producers. The operating system is dictated by the market forces. For an optimal point within the equilibrium, the level of supply should be consistently equal to the level of demand. The assumption of a rational consumer is still prevalent with them choosing the best quality of product against the equilibrium quantity of demand and the supply. With their competitive nature, the firms employ the use of various methods aimed at improving the competitive age of their product. High quality increases this competition. With this factor in their mind, the firms employ various tools for achieving its success. Firstly, firms within this market are highly involved in market research. With this implement, they are able to study the market requirements in correspondence to the demand. Either, the aspect of innovation is highly developed with intense research on product competing within the market. Due to the competitive nature of this market, the firms are able and willing to invest more in the innovation process of their products which helps to create a reasonable state on their competition portfolio. Consumer sovereignty is an equally important tool. At the market place, consumer sovereignty implies the capacity under which the consumers are willing to consume the most desirable level of commodity at the prevailing optimal prices without any external dictate by the producers. Consumer sovereignty is synonymous to reducing their exploitation. However, exploitation comes when the supplies/firms wants to take various sales advantages in the sales activity to the consumers through increase in the prices of products. Due to the market forces, the capitalist system attempt to safeguard the interest of such consumers through the equilibrium determination of the price factor (Gianaris, 1993) Either, capitalist economy is a remedy to the weakness of lack in equal distribution of he available resources by the socialist economy. At times, the distribution of such resources by the socialist economies may be suboptimal. The capitalist economies come in to safeguard the interest of the people in the case of failed equal resource distribution by the socialist economy. To conclude, the capitalist economic system is a fundamental displine that is credited with various efficiencies. Such efficiencies help to rationalize the resource factor, the product output and the consumption pattern within the economic layout.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Narrative Report Girl Scout Essay
INTRODUCTION The Girls Scout of the Philippines Visayas Regional Junior, Senior and Cadet Encampment was held at Marina Yulo-Vargas Regional Program and Training Center or Commonly known as Camp Marina, Located at Capitol Hills, Cebu City last October 22-27, 2014. GSP is indeed a labor of love, sacrifices and dedication of the combined effort of scouters, adult leaders, school administration and the council for the purpose of the following: 1. Acquiring new learning experience with the opportunity to develop sel-stem, confidence, creativity and life skills, 2. Discover and enhance their full potential and learn to relate with other girls in camp, 3. Acquire knowledge and skills on first aid and emergency preparedness with the opportunity to respond real situation that require them to use basic human survival skills, 4. Stimulate real enjoyment and appreciation of the out-of-doors through varied and interesting activities offered during the encampment. Southern Leyte Council registered 16 senior girl scout and 5 adult leaders headed by one council executive Marlita D. Corollo. The campers must be physical fit; must have earned at least one badge each under the challenge of environment, preparedness, Arts, eco-self-sufficiency, Heritage and Citizenship; and she must attended a troop/patrol camp/ provincial camp prior to this encampment. The encampment covers six (6) days of staying under the forest, sleeping on the tent with series of challenges and activities everyday. DAY TO DAY ACTIVITIES DAY 1, OCTOBER 22, 2014 (WEDNESDAY) ARRIVAL†¦. MORNING: The central staff welcomes the delegates and gives directions on how the campers could reach their sub-camps. Each sub-camps director guides and directs the campers under her jurisdiction to reach our respective area. Markers are used to designate the area for each delegation. Southern Leyte Council belongs to sub-camp Milagros together with Ilo-ilo, Negros Oriental and Northern Samar. Each council was responsible for making our area comfortable. We were put up tents, gadgets as part of the layout. We put some caption at the entrance of our area to identify the council we belong. Everyone were helping each other and do the task well in building our tent and making our area accommodating and comfortable. The head of the Southern Leyte Council were registering the girls with the secretariat. After registration the campers proceed to our area for the lunch. AFTERNOON: Medical re-check shall be done on the first day afternoon. The adult leaders were lead the campers to the infirmary area and present their Health Examination Forms to the Camp Physician upon examination to make sure that the campers were physically fit for the series of challenges and activities. EVENING: The orientation was given by the central staff. The details about the program of activities, food services, accommodation, management and other services as well as the camp mechanics were thoroughly explained by the staff in that orientation. The campers were feel free to ask questions if they were need further clarification on certain matters. DAY 2 OCTOBER 23, 2014 (THURSDAY) MORNING: At 7:30 AM the campers were in the grounds for the rehearsal of the opening ceremony, because they were forming 50 which represent 50 year anniversary of Camp Marina. At 9:00 AM the campers were in the actual area wearing their type A uniform for the Opening Ceremony. The central staff was sitting on the stage together with the guest speaker while the scouters and the adult leaders were on the ground forming 50. Each council was required to introduce their troop in the form of yell. The ceremony was ended at 12:00 noon. AFTERNOON: The first activity was all about Emergency Preparedness. It was held at the administration building. They were teach us on what to do during emergency, what are the things to prepare before the typhoon and other calamities come. After the discussion, we were doing the drill. EVENING: After taking our supper we proceed immediately on the covered court for the Council Extravaganza. Each council are required to present one presentation. For the Southern Leyte Council, a modern dance number were presented headed by the Dulfo twin sister. DAY 3 OCTOBER 24, 2014 (FRIDAY) MORNING: At exactly eight o’clock we were already at the covered court because the girls were very excited to do the activity no.2 which was all about ballroom dancing. The first move that the dance instructor taught us was the chacha, next in line was boggie, followed by zumba. That time I think, we were burn 1000 calories, fats and lipids because of so many sweats comes out from our body and so much fun. AFTERNOON: Activity no. 3 was the handicraft. At the back of the National Equipment Services (NES) building is a small auditorium, where the handicraft activity was held. Each girl were given a task to make any accessories using the given accessories paraphernalia. Most of our girls make bracelets and some of them make necklace. EVENING: The most awaited part of the camping is the campfire. Everybody was gathered in front of the covered court to witness the campfire. Every sub-camp were required tp present a dance number which represent the culture and tradition of the place where they belong. The sub-camp 1 present a sinulog dance festival, the sub-camp 2 were present an ati-atihan festival and the sub camp 3 where we belong presents dinagyang festival. The girls from So. Leyte council wearing a type B uniform with malong, barefooted joined the dinagyang festival together with Ilo-ilo and the rest of the members of the sub-camp. The fire was lighted by the Regional Executive Director Mrs. Aida Saromines together with Mrs Ruth T. Jarantilla the Regional Vice Chairperson. DAY 4 OCTOBER 25, 2014 (SATURDAY) MORNING: Right after the breakfast of the girls they were proceeds to the top of the hill to perform the activity no. 4 which was all about mural painting. Southern Leyte was represented by Anna Henli and our very own Daphne Doris Jacka to do the mural painting while the other girls were the assistants and observer of their painting. The whole morning was not enough to do the task. The two were going down to take their lunch. AFTERNOON: After eating, the two were go back to work immediately, but trouble were happen because one of the girl from Maasin City change the work of Anna and Daphne totally while they were taking their lunch in the tent, this made the whole council shocked. Tears was falling down on the face of the two because many people were admired the work of Anna and Daphne but suddenly it was change by Inna. Until such time that the allotted time for mural painting was up, so they do not have a chance to change it back. Sadness†¦..sadness†¦.sadness†¦. occur in the camp. At 5:00 o’clock we were going again to the top to attend the Holy mass which was an anticipated Sunday mass. EVENING: Inter-camp Visit was the event for that night but the girls are seems not interested anymore due to the trouble that had happen in that afternoon. The adult leaders were encourages the girls to nevermind that trouble because that was part of growing up and still do the task and perform it well. DAY 5 OCTOBER 26, 2014 (SUNDAY) MORNING: As early as five thirty our girls were ready for the scouts own. It is a solemn ceremony for the Girl Scout. Right after the ceremony, we were took our breakfast immediately because we were excited for the tour which was the last activity of the encampment. Before seven o’clock we were on the top of the hill waiting for the bus to take us a ride for the tour. We were passing by the Cebu Capitol and Pari-an. The first place that we visit was the Fort San Pedro, commonly known as â€Å"Plaza Independencia†Then the next stop was Sto. Nià ±o de Cebu, then going to the South to visit the Chapel of Pedro Calungsod, and the last was the roaming around the Ayala Center of Cebu. While touring ourselves, everybody were so much fun, enjoyed and busy on taking pictures†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Click†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦click†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦click†¦.. AFTERNOON: Back to the camp at almost 1 o’clock, and take our lunch from Jollibee. Chicken joy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ hhhmmm†¦ yummy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. At two o’clock the closing ceremony was done†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Then home sweet home†¦. Joining the Visayas Regional Junior, Senior and Cadet Encampment was so fantastic and awesome experience which we will never forget forever. Through this memorable experience we were grow towards a responsible girl scout and become a better person and a good leader soon†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ It is indeed a labor of love, sacrifice and dedication.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
My negotiating skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
My negotiating skills - Essay Example The first scenario involved employee recruitment in which the employee offered a 20000-pound remuneration rate while the employee wanted a 25000-pound rate. The second scenario involved an employee seeking a pay rise against the employer’s will. I assumed both employer and employee situation in both cases in alternation. Each of the scenarios in the negotiation exercise involved persuasive discussions for each party. I used several negotiations skills such as asking questions, good listening ability, focusing on my relevant values to the topic of discussion, and being flexible. These skills were successful, as I won in all roles that I played. As a recruit and an employee seeking pay rise, I managed to convince the employer who agreed to my request. As an employer however, I only managed to reduce the amount that employee wanted by significant percentages, more that 75 % in each case (Pannett, et al. 2013, p. 168). I have learnt, from the simulation, that am good in negotiation and that I can incorporate different negotiation skills to win in negotiations. Negotiating for better offers as an employee was the easier aspect of the simulation because of available proofs for the desired position. Negotiating against realistic facts such as disputing an employee’s potentials and experience towards desired remuneration amount was however difficult. Ability to verify offered information is the negotiation skill that I need to develop in order to become a better negotiator. My goal for developing the skill is to be able to verify validity of offered information in a negotiation. I will measure progress by simulating negotiation scenarios, validating offered information in the scenarios, and then comparing my validation results with reality. Achieving the goal will require published resources on psychological intelligence and sensitivity, together with time and a tutor on human psychology. Being able to
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Difference Between Inductive And Deductive Reasoning. How Are Essay
The Difference Between Inductive And Deductive Reasoning. How Are Issues Of Validity And Truth Distinguished - Essay Example The inductive reasoning is intuitive and majorly a result of guesswork. For this reason, inductive reasoning is said to be probabilistic (Hacking, 2001, p.38). The conclusions obtained from the specific examples are analysed to form a general proposition that is a probabilistic one. The general rule that is formed as a result of inductive is subject to test and the outcome of those tests could not be guaranteed. The concept of inductive reasoning was developed by the Scottish philosopher David Hume. Hume stated that the daily habits of human beings are the reflection of the uncertain conclusions that are derived from the limited experiences (Dewey, 2008, p.47). Thus the general principles developed are not tested and derived but are the outcome of specific events in life. This is where inductive reasoning is significant. There is no scope of drawing logical conclusions that could be guaranteed through inductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning could be termed as bottom-up reasoning. .. . Deductive reasoning links the premises to the derived conclusions. The conclusions drawn from the general principles through deductive reasoning could be validated by specific examples. The conclusions derived from the general propositions are true for any individual event that is an application of the general rule (Descartes, 2006, p.26). The laws of syllogism provide one form of logical reasoning that helps in the logical deduction of conclusions from the general statements or propositions. The general statements being given, a hypothesis is designed which is tested in order to reach a logical conclusion. There are two other laws, namely the law of detachment and the law of contra-positive that are used in the process of deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning could be explained with the help of the following example. The general propositions considered in this case are: All tables are chairs and some tables are fans. From the given two statements, it could be deduced logically th at some chairs are fans. This conclusion has been deducted with the help of the given two statements and applying the laws of syllogism. Thus a specific instance has been drawn though deductive reasoning from the two general statements (Bacon, 2009, p.67). Distinction between validity and truth The process of deductive reasoning considers the general propositions and designs a hypothesis in order to logically deduce a conclusion. The conclusion drawn from the general statements are valid logically and are considered to be true. The premises or the general propositions are considered to be true for the purpose of logical deduction. The hypothesis is for the purpose for the logical deduction of the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Influence of Confucianism on the Han Dynasty Essay
Influence of Confucianism on the Han Dynasty - Essay Example Confucianism became quite popular under the Han dynasty and influenced it greatly in terms of politics, history, education, law, and the role of women. According to Spodek, Confucianism influenced politics in the Han dynasty by changing the hierarchy of power within society. In a Confucian society, scholars were the most powerful, â€Å"followed by farmers, artisans, and merchants†(Spodek). In this new hierarchy, scholars had the most influence over how the Han empire ran on a day to day basis. Confucianism also had a great impact on history and its importance within the Han dynasty. According to Spodek, court historians were utilized in a much greater capacity than in previous dynasties. This change was due to the fact that Confucianism emphasized the â€Å"importance of tradition and continuity†(Spodek, 2006). This emphasis, therefore, dictated that histories should be documented more frequently and carefully. Education and law were other areas that were especially influenced by Confucianism. Within the Han dynasty, special schools were set up to teach Confucian principles(Spodek, 2006). Spodek states that â€Å"the emperor declared that the knowledge of Confucian classics would be a basis for promotion in the imperial civil service†(Spodek, 2006). This was a significant change as before the shift to Confucianism, only the aristocracy was really brought into the imperial civil service(Spodek, 2006). Law also changed as Confucian scholars were given the power to change and inform the laws within the Han dynasty in order to reflect Confucian principles(Spodek, 2006). Lastly, the role of women was influenced by Confucianism. According to Spodek, Confucianism taught that women were inferior and should dedicate themselves to serving men such as their brothers, fathers, and husbands(Spodek, 2006). Confucianism established the way women should behave in that they were seen as subservient to the males within their society.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Critically evaluate the extent to which 'law-making' by non state Essay
Critically evaluate the extent to which 'law-making' by non state actors undermines the idea of sovereignity in the system of globalized governance through law - Essay Example macy deficit in global governance is to propose measures designed to ‘inject the voice of individual citizens into the exclusively state-based structures.’ 1In the case of domestic law, certain factors such as constitutional provisions of that state can serve a as framework for making the laws. The international law-making bodies such as the United Nations, codification bodies, diplomatic conferences, courts and NGOs are continually abrogating or amending the international laws and these subtle changes in International Law are not as observable as Domestic Law. The role of constitutional courts is to be the ‘custodian of deliberative democracy’2. While certain principles of International Law are binding to a state, some of them are non-binding. â€Å"International society is an open society in the sense that it constantly interacts with domestic societies and its openness to domesticate societies is increasing.†3 The value of an International law is greatly dependant on how a state perceives it to be. If a state deems a particular international law to be illegitimate, then the law would most probably be ineffective. Modern democracies ‘are not populist but Constitutional’. 4 Therefore, the law-making body such as the UN tries to ensure that the laws are more open and nations participate in the law making process. The international laws are also made keeping in mind the universality of the law and the speed at which the laws are to be implemented. â€Å"More fundamentally, interstate as well as intrastate conflicts often have been clashes between differing societal and international normative orders- between a status quo order and a rival new order- and thus between the competing entitlements and rights that the antagonists each claim are inalienable under these respective contending orders.†5 International law is a body of laws which bind nation states together to global standards and values. International law can be broadly categorized into three
Sunday, August 25, 2019
European Union Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
European Union Law - Essay Example In its logical form, the treaty seeks to promote free movement of goods to bridge the cross-border gap that exists between different European Union countries. Even regardless of such laws and treaty, some countries have been found to be putting undue restrictions on fellow European Union countries so that there would be a concentration of market in those countries. The strategy used by those who put the restrictions has been to place huge charges on cross border goods to discourage free movement. In response, Articles 23(1) and 25 (9(1) and 12) ECT of the treaty touches on prohibition of charges having an effect equivalent to that of customs duties, which discourages all such charges to the exclusion of a similar domestic product (European Parliament Fact Sheets, 2012). Relevant primary and secondary legislation From CJ Case 8/74, 11 July 1974, it could be seen that with reference to Olio Nuovo, Article 28(30), ECT of the Treaty on the Functioning on the functioning of the European U nion (TFEU) can be applied to its logical conclusion to give him a lot of legal redress to the current situation in which he finds himself. In the first play, there is a primary legislature on the free movement of goods and services within the European Union region (Kuyper, 1993). As a marketer from Greece to Italy, Olio Nuevo is covered by this primary legislation because both countries are within the European Union zone. This is a very strong basis for Nuevo to begin any legal process with an ambition of putting forth legal damages for any losses that he might have recorded. This is because according to the case in which Nuevo finds himself, there is being an unconstitutional attempt of hindering, directly or indirectly, actually or potentially, intra-Community trade, which the European Parliament Fact Sheets (2012), states that â€Å"are to be considered as measures having an effect equivalent to quantitative restrictions.†What is more, there are secondary laws such as th ose that specify the kind of products and materials that could cross European Union neighbouring borders. Examples of such European Union laws are those on the forbidding of arms and drugs trade. Since Nuevo did not attempt to trade any of such illegal products, there also is a very strong legal case to be heard should Nuevo decide to pursue the case to its legal conclusion. Exceptions to the Rule As it is literary said, to every rule there are exceptions. The Treaty on the Functioning on the functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which makes previsions for free movement of trade across European Union members States borders also have its own legal limitation or exceptions as far as the application of the rules are concerned. Under Article 30 (36) of ECT of the treaty, factors such as protection of public health, public morality and public security are all captured as exemptions under which Member States may take personal measures on having effect equivalent to quantitative (Europ ean Parliament Fact Sheets, 2012). This means is that the interest of the consumer always comes first when dealing with the movement of good (Eeckhout and Govaere, 1992). The legal implication here is that the host country where Nuevo wants to start
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Peer Evaluations of Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Peer Evaluations of Presentation - Essay Example [Ibid.] Though it has created a negative impact on the teachers and school administrators, such impact has somehow helped in substantiating the point being highlighted in the presentation: the concept of duty (i.e. the duty of the teachers and school administrators to maintain the safety of their students). From the presentation, we find: â€Å"These teachers definitely had an obligation to help protect all of the students in the school†and â€Å"In the situation with Phoebe Prince, it is sad to see that the very people and institution that teach us right from wrong, encourage us to speak up for our safety and the safety of others, failed to protect this taunted teen.†Such statements, though negatively presented, further clarified the thesis statement: Teachers and school administrators have a duty to maintain the safety of their students. On one hand, another highlight in the presentation was the testimony â€Å"I even took an ethics and law class in college specifically for teachers. We were made well aware that it was our duty to report bullying and to deal with it in an appropriate manner.†More affirmative, this statement gives a balance, as it were, to further justify the thesis
Friday, August 23, 2019
Channel tunnel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Channel tunnel - Essay Example The Transmanche Link (TML) is the contractor who is responsible for the Channel Tunnel design, construction and commissionioning of the project. Design of the Channel Tunnel The design scale was massive and highly intricate and hence it was categorized into five divisions – a) System throughput b) Performance of shuttle trains c) Environment d) Safety and passenger evacuation e) Scenarios and operational procedures The design of the Channel Tunnel included four phases: 1. Development Study 2. Outline Design APS) 3. Definitive Design (APD) 4. Detailed Design (PEO) The design of the project was so intricate and diverse with a huge volume of work and specialties involved that sub-contracts making use of the expertise of major independent companies were accepted. Design teams such as BETU (Tunnel design office) and BETER (Terminal design office) contributed their expertise. 1. Structural design a) The Service Tunnel The Service Tunnel Transportation is designed with 24 rubber-tyre d vehicles rolling along at top speed of 80 kph that is electronically guided by cables that are embedded but allows for the maintenance of permanent equipment. These shuttles are 650m in length having a single deck. There are open wagons that are 20m in length, 4 m in width and 5m in height with a load capacity of 44T. It is designed in such a way that special amenity coaches are provided to carry drivers between the locomotive and the HGV wagons. b) The Main Railway Tunnels (RTs) The design comprises of two tunnels 50 km in length and running parallel to each other with a distance of 30m. Each tunnel has a single rail track, overhead catenary, power supply, cooling pipes, two walkways, a drainage system and other auxiliary services. These tourist shuttles are designed with an average capacity of 135 vehicles and a length of 775m. Each end has a loading and unloading wagon and 12 twenty-five meter long carrier wagons that are closed and identical. Special Design Features Rail Signa ling System The rail signaling system is so designed so as to ensure safety to passengers, drivers, goods and locomotive behavior. All information is directly relayed within the drivers cabin. It also includes an automatic speed limit to ensure safety. Track System Since this railway is the most heavily trafficked with an average of about 240,000,000 tonnes per year, the design is made to match this output. It has a strong support system made of concrete to last for a minimum of 50 years. The strong framework is made highly tolerant for safety to life and property and is also designed with a rail fastening to allow minor service adjustments for maintenance and changing of components. The design also includes a low aerodynamic resistance that allows airflow under the trains. The tunnels comprise of a non-ballasted track made of concrete consisting of UIC 60kg/lm rail tracks that is mounted on pairs of independent support blocks. The tracks are isolated from the support blocks by nylo n clips and rubber ‘O’ ring. Such designing not only lends resilience but also maintains a high level of geometric tolerance. The design also contributes towards increasing speed that is 200km/h for TGVs through trains, while shuttles go at 160 km/h. Rolling Stock Rolling Stock comprises of 43 locomotives and 512 wagons that include
Differences in Afica Apartheid vs Post Apartheid Essay
Differences in Afica Apartheid vs Post Apartheid - Essay Example The non – black minorities believe that SA is going to turn into Zimbabwe, where foreigners and minorities were exiled and their property confiscated by the government (Bearak). Despite the fact that absolute incomes of the poor have increased, many fear that SA might turn into another Rwanda due to high levels of crime (Bearak). However, the same fears existed during apartheid: â€Å"Not so long ago, people feared that the end of apartheid would set off civil war and a blood bath†(Bearak). Inequalities existed then as well: though blacks formed the majority, they owned in 1974 only 13.7% of the total land (UNESCO 36). Non – whites were supposed to support expansion of the white power and economic welfare. The former had to be mobile, cheap and thus uneducated, without political rights to complain or try to change the status quo (UNESCO 44). Though apartheid no longer exists in SA, its remnants are felt in the society. The blacks are still poor, and the poor are increasingly violent. In turn, the whites flee the country, fearing for their lives. Segregation has not been eliminated in practice, as inequalities and crime eliminated some progress made by Nelson Mandela and his
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Mom Is Most Influential in My Life Essay Example for Free
Mom Is Most Influential in My Life Essay People have had someone to influence them in their lifetime at some time or another, but my biggest influence in my life is my mom. I can’t but admire my mom’s strength and her wisdom. I am a strong believer in the saying â€Å"like father, â€Å"like son goes with both genders, however, I do think that this is more a result of following example rather than a result genetics. It is common knowledge that not everyone is perfect, even heroes, and in realizing this I know. Although I wish to be like my mom in most ways I do not at all. This realization may be one of the most important things I have learned, my mom has taught me to be firm in my decisions in life, not solely on the examples and actions of others but simply on what I gather and learn from the examples and actions of others. In other words, she has taught me not to follow blindly but to make my own decisions based on what I think is important. The things I have learned and continue to learn from my mom are continuous; she has taught me all of the founding principles of my life and for that I am very thankful. Read more: Admiration speech essay My mom has an enormous influence on me because she always encourages me to do my best, taught me to be a survivor and finally mom influences me by is always helping needy. People have had someone to influence them in their lifetime at some time or another, but my biggest influence in my life is my mom. I can’t but admire my mom’s strength and her wisdom. I am a strong believer in the saying â€Å"like father, â€Å"like son goes with both genders, however, I do think that this is more a result of following example rather than a result genetics. It is common knowledge that not everyone is perfect, even heroes, and in realizing this I know. Although I wish to be like my mom in most ways I do not at all. This realization may be one of the most important things I have learned, my mom has taught me to be firm in my decisions in life, not solely on the examples and actions of others but simply on what I gather and learn from the examples and actions of others. In other words, she has taught me not to follow blindly but to make my own decisions based on what I think is important. The things I have learned and continue to learn from my mom are continuous; she has taught me all of the founding principles of my life and for that I am very thankful.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Knowledge From Western And Chinese Philosophy Perspective Philosophy Essay
Knowledge From Western And Chinese Philosophy Perspective Philosophy Essay In this paragraph the authors will discuss different points of views towards the definition of knowledge. In literature we can find differences but also similarities between Western and Chinese philosophy. To work with Knowledge Management Systems it is necessary to understand how to capture, store, share, learn, exploit and explore knowledge. The Western world may already have more experience in this process since knowledge management in China has just recently developed. Ancient philosophers in both worlds already had ideas how to define knowledge and how to transfer it among society and individuals. This paragraph should clarify how those ideas can be made useful for Knowledge Management. 4.2 Knowledge in the Western world First the authors will give a short overview on the Western perspective of knowledge. For this it is necessary to have a look on Western philosophers and their understanding towards knowledge. On some of those philosophers we will be able to reflect their theories on modern Knowledge Management. The goal is to find out how modern Knowledge Management gets involved with some ideas of philosophers or react in an opposite way towards their ideas by not adapting them in Knowledge Management Systems. J. Kaipayil writes in his book The Epistemology of comparative Philosophy (1995, S. 32) about Western philosophy according to the critiques of P.T. Raju. He is an Indian writer on Chinese and Western philosophy. According to Raju, the main subject of Western philosophy is its intellectualism, united with humanism. The cosmological interests of the Ionian philosophers and the humanistic interests of the Sophists are the two starting-points of Western philosophy. These two tendencies met and blended in Aristotle and Plato and for them, humans are rational beings and their essence is reason (the rational soul). The Greeks philosophy established a rational (intellectual) analysis of reality, and in the consequences the Western world became strongly outward-looking. Epistemology, logic and scientific methodology developed. In his Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle presents five virtues of thought that can mapped to levels of knowledge. Epistà ©mà ©: Factual or scientific knowledge Tà ©chnà ©: Skills-based technical and action-oriented knowledge Phrà ³nà ©sis: Experiential self-knowledge or practical wisdom based on experience Noà »s: Intuition Sophà a: Theoretical knowledge of universal truths or first principles Butler (2006, pp. 1-9) argues that Aristotles tà ©chnà © and phrà ³nà ©sis need to be the core of knowledge management attempts, and while they are not able to be directly applied to IT applications, they must be among the elements upon which knowledge management is based. Tà ©chnà © deals with subjects that vary rather than the constant relationship found in epistà ©mà ©. The use of tà ©chnà © is one of the most challenging but at the same time one of the most fertile of knowledge-management pursuits. The dynamic nature of knowledge is reflected in tà ©chnà ©. Artificial intelligence and decision-support systems seek to automate tà ©chnà ©. From that point of view, Aristotle has given us a clearly defined and delimited type of knowledge that can be related to information technologies (c.f. D. G. Schwartz, 2005, pp. 1-11). Phrà ³nà ©sis is practical knowledge dealing with action and handling things to an end. According to Aristotle, phrà ³nà ©sis is obtained through experiencing the actions being learned and hands-on training. From a learning-through-action point of view the difference between phrà ³nà ©sis and tà ©chnà © lies in terms of each type of knowledge can be shared. Aristotle says that tà ©chnà © can be taught from practitioner to student, phrà ³nà ©sis on the other hand can only be shared through actual mutual experience. On the perspective of the value of knowledge, Sveibys (1997, pp. 3) focus on the knowledge-action value chain can find significant roots in phrà ³nà ©sis. In terms of knowledge management, phrà ³nà ©sis escorts us on the way of simulation, rich media, e-learning, and other types of the experiental presentation of knowledge or captivation on a virtual environment in which the experience rendering phrà ³nà ©sis can be realized (c.f. D. G. Schwartz, 2005, pp. 1-11). J. Kaipayil (1995, pp. 33) says that the Melesians understood the principles of the universe in terms of something outward no matter how the origin and substance of the world was conceived, be it water, the indefinite, or air. This tendency was continued by the Atomists to find the source of the world in something outward. On the other hand, the Pythagoreans developed the idea that what is given to reason and not to the senses is the truth about the world. The important thing about Pythagoreanism was that it did not regard reason as an abstract concept rather as an existential and ethical entity. Yet, that does not mean that the world-view of Pythagoreanism had a clear idea of inward spirit; the viewpoint was still outward and cosmic. Heraclitus not only mentioned some rational order in nature, he also spoke about the Logos, which is called as the primordial fire and this is responsible for the world order. Still, his interest was in its foundation cosmological and did not perceive t he differences between the inward and the outward, spirit and matter. Von Loh ( 2009, pp. 1-2) writes about Heraclitus who says Everything is in a state of Flux, by reflecting his words on modern knowledge management and on the foundation that the words of Heraclitus are true knowledge organizations systems (KOS) like classification systems, thesauri, nomenclatures are all objects of permanent change and all bibliographical records are in the state of flux as well, which is not widely accepted in information science and practice. In modern technology information can be stored even if it is in a state of flux. According to the problem statement of that paper this proves how important it is to use technology in knowledge management applications. The Sophists shifted the philosophical attention from the cosmos to human and took a new turn in Greek philosophy. The human being was the centre of their philosophy, but Socrates had to fight against subjectivism and skepticism raised by the standpoint of individualism. The criterion of philosophic activity according to Socrates, is objectivity and universality. This not only restored confidence in reason but also clarified the philosophical basis of morality and state. Socrates was insisting on the cultivation of the inner self, he was remarkably rationalistic but also deeply inward-looking. For the stable foundation of morals and politics Plato continued the Socratic search for this subject. Aristotle toned down the inwardness explained by Plato in order to safeguard the reality of outward to introduce the idea of an intelligent first cause (Kaipayil, J., 1995, pp. 34). In his article A Knowledge Management Environment for Research Centers and Universities (2006, p 652 667) Jonice Oliveira writes that for Socrates knowing a subject or concept of consisted of gathering the components of a singular thing, or of a real substance, and joining the similar ones, and separating the unsimilar ones, to form the concept or the definition of the singular thing. In his thinking, in order to join the similar ones it is necessary for somebody to have demonstrations, definitions, axioms and principles for a concept to be proved as true. Which means that the knowledge resulting from scientific activities, is scientific knowledge. Its goal is to demonstrate a solution to a problem by argumentation. Scientific language leads to three main interpretations: knowledge how (know-how), knowledge that (objective knowledge) and knowledge by acquaintance. R. Hagengruber (2008, pp. 6) gives an example on that. Socrates once mentioned that knowledge is not createt because of a concrete situation, in fact the human mind is able to create knowledge in ones own imagination. Literately he claims that You do not need to walk the correct road to Larissa, it is enough if you imagine it in the correct way. To prove his hypothesis Socrates shows how a completely uneducated child can solve a difficult mathematical problem. Even though the child fails at the beginning and gives a wrong answer still due to the way how Socrates asks the child questions and gives him orders, the child is able to get to the answer. So, apparently even on a base of minimum knowledge, through disciplinary processes it is possible to create complex knowledge. This is very useful for information technology which collects and stores data and makes it accessible. Through algorithm this stored data can be merged and can be made useful. This shows how ancient Western philosophers already knew how important it is to get knowledge by experimenting through science. It is necessary to find a logi cal way to solve a problem. This way of capturing knowledge is important to make information technology useful for knowledge management. Later this paper will show how the eastern philosophy thinks about logic and the way/road in itself. In the post-Aristotelian Greek understanding the ethical and political interest was continued, so it lost much of the taste of universality and inwardness and people became isolated from society and moved towards individualism during that time. During the Middle Ages there was a tendency towards the destroying of confidence in human reason and powers through Christianity and mare reason subservient to faith. In fact the medieval philosophy was not able to make much contribution to the growth of Western thought. The following period of the Renaissance gave back the lost confidence in Greek rationalism and humanism. Rene Descartes started to consider the human self to be thought of reason. But he had to face empiricist critique on its mind-body dualism for forgetting the inward in the name of the outward. J. Aarons (2004, pp.6) mentions the method of doubt developed by Rene Descartes. In his Meditations on First Philosophy (1640) he writes that the real challenge lies in skepticism so if there is any sign of doubt about so-called knowledge being true then it cannot be genuine knowledge. But Knowledge Management stays in clear contrast to that, for Knowledge Management there is much more than just personal certainty about the world, it must involve conceptual understanding as well as practical ability. Furthermore justification of knowledge doesnt play the biggest role, it is more concerned with storage, production and processing of knowledge in a group or shared sense. So, here it is to see that the Western philosophy cannot always deliver useful suggestions towards Knowledge Management. In the case of justifying knowledge, it is quite different from its relevant philosophers. Other than Descartes the empiricism laid emphasis on the outward through its doctrine of knowledge as derived exclusively from sense experience. The unfortunate consequence of all these was the unsuccessful attempt to tackle the question of human inwardness as if it was a problem of the outward and the failure to see the mind as the mediating link between inwardness and outwardness. Kant kept a balance between the inward (the transcendental ego) and the outward (the phenomenal world) from the side of human experience. He had to keep God out of theoretical knowledge to keep this balance. Human inwardness was left in the background or sometimes ignored or rejected by the explaining the law of nature in the wake of modern scientific attempts. As a result many thinkers wanted philosophy to follow the methods of science, especially of physics to liberate the outward from the inward. What gave importance to the world was pragmatism, positivism, and analytic philosophy. Here Kaipayil points out, according to Raju, to take its dominant movements and latest accomplishments into consideration, and may say that the general trend of Western philosophy was to liberate the outward from the entanglement of the inward, the subjective, by disregarding or lessening the importance of human inwardness, at least for philosophical reasons. This does not mean that the Western philosophy is exclusively outward-looking and absolutely dissipated in objectivity. The West did realize human inwardness but did not explain it completely and did not give it due importance. The West was more consistently outward-looking in its scientific-objective attitude and it sometimes confused inwardness with faith and preventing inwardness from having its proper role in philosophy. The value what Western philosophers achieved on the other hand lied in its rigorous scientific analysis and conceptual reconstruction of reality. Hence, the West was able to make significant progress in logic and epistemology. This chapter shows that the main influence on Knowledge Management had the ancient philosophers like Plato, Aristotle and Socrates. They point out that it is important to see knowledge as a very complex source and needs to be looked at form different views. Aristotle for instance points out that there are different types of knowledge which can be captured, stored and shared in different ways. Socrates came to a similar conclusion by saying that knowledge creation can be achieved in a way of process. Thinking in a logical way was one of the main legacies ancient philosophers gave to the modern world. Knowledge Management learned from philosophers of the renaissance era, such as Rene Descartes that emphasizing on technology development is necessary to integrate effective Knowledge Management in an organization of the modern information era. To manage knowledge in a right way is a very complex and takes a lot effort and concrete analysis. This also proves the hypothesis mentioned at the beginning of this paper. It needs long and intensive approach to manage knowledge. Besides using mind-based managing of knowledge it is also very important to understand the necessity of technology development whci already was mentioned in the problem statement of this paper. After getting an overview of Western philosophy, in the following pages the authors will show how Chinese philosophy had its impact on Knowledge Management. Knowledge in China After we discussed the Western point of view how to define knowledge, now the authors will give the reader and impression of the Chinese philosophy and the understanding of knowledge and how their ideas might be able to reflect on modern Knowledge Management. The goal is to understand what impact Chinese philosophy has on knowledge management systems and how companies are able to deal with it or what they can do in the future. The next pages will show the development of Chinese philosophy. On certain aspects the authors will get deeper in to detail and reflect some ideas on modern Knowledge Management. W. Riegler (2007, p. 219) mentions that the ancient Chinese philosophy is part of a culture which does not know a kind of Genesis. Hence, it is not necessary to ask a cause to understand an effect. In the understanding of Daoism there is an everlasting cycle of recreation by the effect of changing Yin and Yang by the rules of the 5 phases (wood, fire, earth, metal, water). It is kind of strange for those who are not familiar with this kind of thinking. However it is very natural and also pragmatic for those who are. Riegler also asks why this kind of thinking is so important for us longnoses too? Because we are also part of nature and we act by these rules too. Most important, it is a natural way of how our brain works and we can call this thinking too. The essence is that people can synthesize single parts of information to a whole that is bigger than its parts. After this short introduction the authors will now have a closer look on the complex development of Chinese philosophy. J. Kaipayil (1995, p. 28) writes in his book The Epistemology of comparative Philosophy about Chinese philosophy according to the critiques of P.T. Raju. He is and Indian writer on Chinese philosophy. As for Rajus understanding of Chinese philosophy, humanism is its main feature. It is said that the Chinese tradition is to be primarily humanistic, because human nature, both individual and social, was the basic subject of thought in China. The Chinese extolled life and wanted to live it fully. The question of Chinese wisdom was how to be fully human. But this interest in human person and society was characterized, not by a spiritual inwardness as in India or by an intellectual analysis as in the West, but by a pragmatic immediatism. What means that the Chinese humanism was not a metaphysical humanism interested in explication of human nature but a pragmatic humanism that put emphasis on immediate and concrete human relations. The Chinese thinker was concerned with practical affairs of society and life, and, accordingly, that which has immediate application to the benefit of people and society was considered good and true. All theories were meant for immediate application to people and society for their benefit. One could therefore say an immediatistic and humanistic pragmatism characterized the entire Chinese philosophy. Confucius exemplified Chinese philosophys confirmed purpose of explaining the ideal form of society and state. As a social reformer his goal was it to put order and stability into society and state. The foundation of a good society consist in every one following ren (human-heartedness) and discharging the duties of ones state of life and vocation. The ethics in Confucianism were more or less completely devoid of metaphysics. Heaven meant for Confucius a kind of moral order only. Zhu Z. (2004 p. 67 79) says when China realized that their competitors especially from Japan, U.S.A. and Europe all engaged in knowledge management, the Chinese companies were shocked and decided to welcome knowledge management. They created a connection to wuli-shili-renli (WSR) framework, which has its origins in Confucianism. In WSR: Wuli claims the material-technical aspect of managing knowledge. Shili is to facilitate the constructive-cognitive knowing process and Renli denotes in the governing of social-political relations among knowers. The Chinese style is less focusing on debating on the nature of knowledge, nor in expressing well-ordered processual knowledge creation models. For WSR technological and institutional dimensions of knowledge are equally important. Chinese found out how to reflect Confucianism on their organization structure and how to use it to manage knowledge. They realized that it is important to put more effort into technological development. Later in this paper this technological importance will be researched in detail. The Moists (Mohists) also developed a social ethics, but there goal was it more to gain social discipline. To mention Mencius, we find in him a tendency towards human inwardness, as he saw the basis of all morality in human nature (the mind). Nevertheless, his ethical idealism was not metaphysical. Mencius wanted to build a morality on the goodness of human nature. Xunzi on the other hand maintained that human nature is basically evil and it should be controlled by education and state laws so that a good society is made possible. He was the teacher of the Legalists Han Fei Zi and Li Si. The Legalists came to the conclusion to have harder demands for enforcement of laws with rewards and punishments (J. Kaipayil ,1995, p. 29). Deli Yang (2002, p.7) explains that legalism resulted in the consequences of central planning and anti-elitism in China. The ruler (which can be any authority in a hierarchical position) establishes the law without the participation of any individuals. This affected the performances of different governments and resulted in a high level of bureaucracy. These distinctive features we can still find in many modern Chinese companies. Bureaucracy can easily hinder a fluent knowledge transfer across the organization. Not having influence on making laws and rules is a disadvantage for knowledge creation. Another fact would be that the knowledge flow goes only from the top to the bottom, so potential knowledge from the bottom cannot be reached. Further in this paper the authors will explain more about knowledge sharing and the knowledge flow. The Logicians also were not uninterested in society and state. They emphasized the absoluteness and predominance of the universals over the particulars and thereby demonstrated the harmony of things and the need for universal love. The Daoists advocated individual happiness by a life of purity, simplicity, and spontaneous union with nature. They also were interested more in human things than in material things. The Dao is not any material principle external to human being but the principle internal to humans and inherent in nature (J. Kaipayil ,1995, p. 30). Ai Yu (2008, p.4) argues that many people believe that Laozis philosophy is primarily based on Wu Wei, which is a central thought of his Daodejing and means non-action or not-acting. But Wu Wei is actually more complex and also focuses on wholeness and partiality. Laozi explains the Way (Dao) is wholeness and infinity, while everything else is partiality and finitude. Based on Daodejing as the ideal of all existence the Way is unseen, not transcendent, powerful and also humble which means it is the root of all things. In fact humans should live their life in harmony with the Way for being as true and pure as an infant. Laozis concepts considers to emotions, knowledge, rationalities and sensations and not directing ambiguity, chaos and oppressions to the outside world. People should look into their minds and should try to find explanations. Ai Yu (2008, p.5) also says that today the field of knowledge management has been changed as a model of value creation to a great deal due to the shift of demanded resources. Edvinsson (2002, p.47) argues that value is usually more than just money, knowledge management should give value a second thought because it is a cross-disciplinary area. The modern Chinese business world is changing and in 2005 Hu Jintao came up with his policy of building a harmonious society. China Mobile and domestic Chinese insurance companies had to face extra-economic challenges like income inequality, environmental degradation, rural poverty etc. and for that the Chinese companies reacted with providing support for less-privileged citizens. According to Laozi this means paying more attention to the altered value preference and therefore discovering a new way of doing business. An alternative to both Confucianism and Daoism would be Buddhism but itself was transformed under their influence none the less. Buddhism is a philosophy based on human nature alone, and therefore it was easily assimilated by the Chinese mind with its characteristics pragmatic humanism and immediatism. Cheng-Fong Wu (1989, p. 90) already said that in Buddhism giving Dharma means to deliver wisdom to living beings without pay, wisdom is designed to mentally benefit others. Which means using knowledge to inspire the poor and teaching them the knowledge of a skill can make them stand on their feet by acquiring jobs. Those thoughts of Buddhism are possible reasons that the Chinese way of thinking about intellectual property rights is far different from the Western world. They might see China as the poorer country and count on the richer countries to share their knowledge with them without getting paid in return. Further in this paper the authors will get back to the topic of intellectual property rights in China. Another philosophy called Neoconfucianism also marked a very important development in the history of Chinese thought. With its rich metaphysics Buddhism stimulated the Chinese mind to an intense interest in metaphysical problems about nature and life. Together with the revival of the Daoists way of thinking, demanded on the part of Confucian scholars to provide a more systematic cosmology that would serve as the metaphysical foundation for Confucian ethics and political thought. In Zhou Dunyi the Daoist and the Yin-Yang conceptions combined with Confucianism to make a cosmology to defend Confucian ethics. Everything is created by the Dao, called this time the Great Ultimate (Taiji), from beginning to end of yin and yang forces; and human beings are the highest creation which continues this creative process by spiritual cultivation leading to wisdom. Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi were the brothers who developed the concept of li (principle), which became a major theme in Neoconfucianism. As the source of all the laws of nature and the principle of all diversified things, li is the same as the Dao. The rationalist wing of Neoconfucianism was developed by Zhu Xing who was following Cheng Yi. Lu Xiangshan who was following Mencius and Cheng Hao was founder of the idealist wing. According to Zhu Xi the Great Umtimate, which is the highest li , is found in each individual. This is the all-inclusive and wholly good Dao. Each particular thing is a combination of qi and li, and in humans this li is ren, and this is called spiritual cultivation if followed this inner nature. Lu Xiangshan and Hao on the other hand rejected the very idea of qi and focused that everything is composed to li and li is essentially the mind. Wang Yangming goes further with this idealist doctrine and says that the substance of mind is nature of things and this is li. Li is to understand by looking within, since all things, heaven, earth and humans are one. To exercise this unity is to love people (J. Kaipayil ,1995, p.32). J. Kaipayil writes on the prospect of philosophy in the post-Qing communist China, that Raju commended that the Marxian ideology with its activism and pragmatism agreed well with the naturalistic, humanistic, and pragmatic tendencies of the general Chinese tradition and it would be no wonder if a Confucian variety of communist philosophy should emerge at some future time that will meet the philosophical needs of the Chinese people perhaps more adequately than the communism of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin in its western robes. Raju supposed that the history of Chinese philosophy shows that the Chinese mind on the whole avoided the extremes of inwardness and outwardness. It is neither wholly inward-looking nor wholly outward-looking. It tries to get a balance between the inward and outward characteristics of human existence, and this attidue is best illustrated by the Daoist ideal of sageliness within and kinglingness without. The whole of human life was made the topic of philosophical investigation. The cultivation of inner human nature was insisted upon and not only for its own sake however for the creation and sustainment of a good society. All philosophical questions were used to find answers in a practical life and so China could create some of the best ideas of social and political thoughts and ethics. According to J. Kaipayil the previous words showed the positive side of Chinese philosophy but there also is another side of this philosophy. Kaipayil says that Chinese philosophy fails when ultimate qu estions are brought up. It accepted man and their life as basic facts for philosophy, not because it came to this sort of conclusion in the light of answers to ultimate questions, but because it did not come up with them and avoided these questions when raised, so that the life of human beings does not discover any foundation for its significance. Raju believed that Chinese philosophy lacked a metaphysical foundation and Chinese social thought a certain philosophical depth. The Chinese philosophy, compared to the Western philosophy, lacks logical rigour and is less epistemological and metaphysical. For the cause of not coming up with ultimate questions about human inwardness and outwardness, it is hard to find great systems of metaphysics and epistemology in China as in the West. It does not say that China lacked completely in logic, epistemology, and metaphysics. China had thoughts about that but they were explained only to that extent that was hardly enough to understand some prac tical human affairs, the hard facts of state and society. There were no serious efforts made to unknot the philosophical foundations of human existence. After getting an insight in Chinese philosophy, the authors will now highlight the more import philosophies. Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism and Legalism are mentioned as high influential thinking schools. People learned from their philosophies what is useful or less useful to integrate Knowledge Management in an organization. One result in Confucianism suggests to realize the importance of technology which is also mentioned in the problem statement of this paper. Legalism can be a problem for Knowledge Management because it hinders knowledge flow and knowledge transfer. This is a very common problem in China, because society and organizations are often use legalism as their foundation. If Chinese companies want to achieve success by introducing Knowledge Management Systems into their organization it is necessary not to use Legalism as a companys philosophy. Buddhism also shows how Chinese express their feeling towards intellectual property and how Western companies might find some re asons for being afraid of the loss of their technology knowledge. Further research in this field would be highly recommended. On the other hand this paper shows that Daoism not necessarily means do nothing , it also animates to seek for the creation of value, which some Chinese organizations already adopted. To give a short conclusion about Western and Chinese philosophy, then next chapter will show how to compare those two different cultures and find out that they are not so different in some aspects. Comparison of Western and Chinese Philosophy The comparison of those two philosophies should show how Knowledge Management can react on the influence of philosophy on two different cultures. In modern Knowledge Management both cultures lies their focus on the development of technology to capture, store and share knowledge. The Western philosophy already realized the importance of logic and scientific approach while on the other hand the Chinese philosophy mainly concentrated on inner values which should be good for society. The West has a character of individualism while the East is trying to create a harmonies society by less focusing on individualism. Here Legalism can be seen as one of the biggest problems which results in not using all advantages of Knowledge Management. The problem that Chinese companies are focusing on technology has not necessarily to be seen as a problem. But leaving personal interaction behind can be seen as a major problem. The goal of Knowledge Management in China is to form transparent organizations to create knowledge and to share knowledge among their employees. As the hypothesis says it is important to take intensive care of Knowledge Management and this also cannot be realized in a short term period. Especially in China with their long history of philosophy and its great impact on their society it takes much longer to integrate Knowledge Management Systems in a company than it would take in Western company. Tacit and Explicit Knowledge After the discussion of certain perspectives on knowledge in Western philosophy and Chinese philosophy and their influence on Knowledge management, the authors will now explain the two important aspects of tacit and explicit knowledge. It is necessary to focus on the characteristics of tacit knowledge, since this is more difficult to access. During this work the reader should understand how important it is to get access to tacit knowledge and how to make it useful in a cross-cultural business environment. Faxiang Chen (2006, p.2) says that the term of knowledge refers two different forms: tacit and explicit knowledge. Explicit knowledge can be documented, transmitted, codified, stored, shared and learned indirectly. Tacit knowledge on the other hand originates from personal accumulated experience and learning and can be shared in direct ways vi
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Caring for Child and Family with terminal Illness
Caring for Child and Family with terminal Illness The aim of this assignment is to critically explore the concept of paediatric palliative care and the relevance of a childrens hospice in Ireland. A critical analysis of literature surrounding this topic will be undertaken in order to gain an in-depth understanding. Key elements relating to paediatric palliative care will be highlighted. Finally, the author will conclude on appropriateness of a hospice for sick children. An initial need for palliative care for children was acknowledged in the 1980s; having identified the need for this service, a nun opened and successfully ran a hospice for sick children (Rowse 2008). Interestingly, thirty years on, there is much debate surrounding the advantages and disadvantages of a national childrens hospice in Ireland. However, contrary to beliefs and the success of many hospices, it is recognised by the Department of Health and Children (DOHC) (2001); Rowse (2008); Watson et al (2009); Bishop et al (2008); that children with a life-limiting illness are best cared for at home. In addition, Watson et al (2009) outlined that when the premature death of a child was evident, the option of home, hospice or hospital as a place of death was presented to a child and their family, the majority of children and their families chose home. Caring for a child with a life-limiting illness can be a stressful and exhausting experience; it can put enormous pressures on the family unit (Wolff 2008). From personal experience, a familys dynamics can be seen to change over a period of time when a child is born or diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. Individual family members appear to take up a specific role when faced with a diagnosis of a life-limiting illness. A life limited-illness can be viewed as a condition that has no cure at present and will inevitably lead to the premature death a child (International Childrens Palliative Care Network (ICPCN) 2008; DOHC 2005). However, in many cases of paediatric palliative care it is very difficult to place a time frame on the length of the illness and its trajectory. Watson et al (2009) illustrated that these factors depend greatly on the individual childs diagnosis and the rarity of the illnesses being experienced. The DOHC (2010) identified conditions and diseases that children most commonly suffer with and divided them into 4 individual groups according to their types. However, experience and further reading has demonstrate that, in reality these illnesses dont always stand alone and can be combined with another illness or condition; as a result they may not always fit into a specific group type. Therefore, needs change and vary depending on the individual. While et al (1996) identified that an alarming 60% of children suffering with a life-limiting illness were dying from non cancer related conditions. It would appear difficult to clearly ascertain how long individual paediatric palliative care provisions would needed for, as many of the paediatric cases are unique in there diagnoses and have vast amounts of unknown variables. Similarly, these problems can be mirrored within the adult population of individuals with an intellectual disability, many individuals within this group are living with complex mental/physical illnesses throughout their lives, a further diagnosis of a life-limiting illness and its illness trajectory is surrounded by even more uncertainty (Gary and Stein 2008). Unfortunately, individuals with an intellectual disability are viewed as being one of the most disadvantage groups in society (Ryan McQuillan 2005). It would appear that a comparison could be drawn to a childs position regarding their needs, Watson et al (2009) highlighted that when a child is at an advanced stage within the illness trajectory many problems can occur, however, children unlike adults tend to live many years longer; many parents find this extremely difficult. From the authors experience many individuals with a primary diagnosis of severe intellectual disabilities and a life-limiting illness, appear to live longe r than that envisaged by the doctor. Although it has been acknowledged by the DOHC (2005), that within the trajectory of a child illness, children can cross over in their requirements for care needs throughout their illness due to the individuality of cases. The same has not been recognised within individuals with an intellectual disability. It can be argued that there are similarities between the philosophies of adult and paediatric palliative care. Gaining recognition of these differences has proven difficult to achieve (Richie 2008). In addition to this, Malcom et al (2008) acknowledged that children and adult palliative care principles were comparable, although, the uniqueness and specialist field of paediatric palliative care continues to emerge on its merits. McCulloch et al (2008) identified that paediatric palliative care principles are largely based on adaptation of the adult principles. However, Watson et al (2009) recognised some variations of these were developmental factors, approaches to consultation, physiology/pharmacokinetics, family structure and function, school and finally illness trajectory. Unfortunately, Dangel (2002) acknowledged that in the past some groups of children within Europe, where paediatric palliative care was not recognised or offered as part of multidisciplinary team involvement, a pr edisposing factor for the more recent tapered number of children receiving the provisions and benefits of a palliative care input. Furthermore, The European Association of Palliative Care (2009) advocated that a child should not be compared to that of a small adult, it was reiterated that their individual needs differed to that of an adult, although adult palliative care knowledge and experience can be a valuable and enriched source of expertise. The World Health Organisation (WHO) (2002a) illustrated that adult palliative care aims to improve quality of life for patients and their families with problems associated with life-threatening illness, this can be achieved through the prevention, relief, early identification, holistic assessment and treatment of pain, encompassing all factors associated with physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs. Moreover, the paediatric definition applied by the WHO (1998a) bears a very close resemblance to that of the adult definition, however, central to the paediatric definition is active total care of the childs body, mind and spirit, giving support to the family from the start of diagnose and will continue regardless of whether or not a child receives treatment directed at the disease, this should be a broad multidisciplinary approach availing of community resources provided tertiary care including that of the home. Furthermore, a Report of the National Advisory Committee on Palliative Ca re (2001) stated that, if a child requires a palliative care service due to their life-limiting illness, their individual needs must be addresses and differ from that of adults. As a direct result of the recommendations published within this report, the DOHC (2005) devised a document on the assessment needs of a child needing palliative care. Murphy (2009) cited by Hawley (2010) outlined that the collaboration and interagency workings of professionals and families is key to unlocking the puzzle and viewing the holistic needs of a child and family. Interestingly, Hawley (2010); Gary and Stein (2008); McKechnie (2006) reported that as professionals we only see the needs of individuals based on the experiences and components that our own disciplines allow us to see. The needs of a child are identified by the DoHC (2010), where they foresee the future provision of paediatric palliative care in Ireland. Within this insight there is much change and some encouraging prospects for the field of paediatric palliative care. The main areas within both medical and nursing care that are being addressed are specialist paediatric positions, education and training, co-operation and collaboration between paediatric and palliative care services (DOHC 2005). Furthermore, in light of the primary care strategy DOHC (2001) the focus of health c are is being developed within the community setting, lead by General Practitioners, Public Health Nurses (PHNs) and other members of the multidisciplinary team. The question on many people minds is, is there adequate funding, recourses and trained staff in place to deal with the number of complex palliative care cases? It would appear that the Department of Health and Children and the Irish Hospice Foundation have worked collaboratively in response to the needs of those within the community and paediatric palliative care, concurring with recent advances in publication of paediatric palliative care. However, it would appear that the greatest financial input has come from the voluntary sector. The Irish Hospice Foundation (2010) has vowed to provide somewhere in the region of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬2.25 million over the next three to five years to fund the cost of providing eight outreach nurses with specific training to work and care for children with life-limiting illnesses. Furthermore, the Jack and Jill Foundation a registered charity, also provide à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬3m annually to families whose children suffer with a form of brain damage, providing them with financial and emotion support in their homes. Hynson et al (2003) identified that as home care is central to paediatric palliative care it would appea r the most appropriate place to begin supporting in the task of improving the quality of life, reducing fears and allowing families to continue with as much normality as possible within their lives. However, in the case where home care is not appropriate or possible due to the complexity of illnesses, lack of trained nurses or that of geographical problems, a hospice may be more appropriate from that of an acute hospital setting. It was been well documented that children with a life-limiting illness and their families needing palliative care support, require a holistic approach to their individual case (Wolfe et al 2000). This can be an extremely challenging experience for the health care professional. To provide adequate care it is important to assess the needs of health care professional as well as the service users needs. Papafadatou (1997) identified that as health care professionals deal with a death of a child, they too can become disheartened by their failed attempts to save a childs life, this can happen on different three levels, firstly, the feeling of not being able to save the childs life, secondly, as a practitioner they could not protect the child from harm and thirdly the feeling of betrayal to the parents who trusted them with their child. The importance of supervision is reiterated by Butterworth and Faugier (1992), where it allows professionals to care for their emotional, social, physical a nd physiological needs. It would appear easier to be achieved within a hospice due to the central locality of staff. Having identified concerns related to paediatric palliative care, is it not more commendable to have a paediatric hospice that encompasses all needs supported by highly skilled staff, adapted and equipment within this specific area of medicine. An advantage of a hospice could be that of continuity of care and expertise management of rare and complex conditions. However, a disadvantage could be taking a child out of its familiar environment, causing fear and anxiety. The DOHC (2005) illustrate that only in exceptional and rare circumstances is taking a child out of its home is in the best interest of the child and their family. It only seems natural that grief associated with life-limiting illnesses will have long lasting effects on a childs siblings and a family as a unit. Wells (2001) outlined that coping with the death of a sibling was an impossible task; a surviving childs self esteem was directly related to the length and trajectory of the illness experience. Many problems can oc cur and personality changes in a surviving child can be seen following the death of a child with a life-limiting illness. However, Groot et al (2005) outlined, that these problems were less apparent when a child was cared for throughout the illness within the home environment. Again, this leads one to believe that the most appropriate place for a child to be cared for is that of the home with extensive provision of palliative care in place. However, Stelle et al (2008) identified little is known about a childs or families rational for attending a hospice. Benini et al (2008) outlines that in the Veneto region of Italy there is a paediatric palliative care network team supported by a regional paediatric hospice, there is a multi-disciplinary team approach with specialist supervision, training and care integrated within acute hospital services. It would appear that when a child is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, there is a cascade of expert professionals contacted from the hospice, the child and their family then meet with the skilled professionals affiliated to the case to discuss options and resources available to them; as a result they coordinate care accordingly. The ultimate aim is to try getting the child home, pending influencing factors such as locality, staffing and cost, once a home a continuous reassessment of needs is carried out by the family paediatrician who coordinates care and liaises closely with the members of the multi disciplinary team involved. From this model it would appear that the hospice has multi functions. It appears to provide professional expertise, training, skills, knowledge and is a base for experts within the profession. The above concerns are similar to that within Ireland; the optimum locality for a hospice that is accessible to all within Ireland is of great concern. Furthermore, the American Academy of Paediatricians (AAP) (2000) cited by Jennings (2005) illustrated that hospice care is different to that of palliative care, as hospice care offers a package of care incorporating multi-disciplinary team workings. However, within the DOHC (2010) it is envisaged that there will be integration and co-ordination of services in a bid to provide an effective and efficient seamless palliative care service for children with life-limiting illnesses and their families within the home. In order for this to be implemented and carried out there will be an amalgamation of services from all organisations within the healthcare system. The DOHC (2005) reiterates the importance of a key worker to act as a link connecting services. The implementation of a childrens outreach nurse will undertake this role in an attempt to co-ordinate services and facilitate the needs of health and social care professionals, (Department of Health and Children 2010). From the literature, it would appear that nurses have a greater knowledge and experience in dealing with adult palliative care cases (While et al 1996). This is primary due to the limited number of paediatric palliative care cases in Ireland. In 2002 it was believed that there was a population of 1,013,301 children in Ireland (The Government of Ireland 2007). Moreover, the Irish Hospice Foundation (2008) estimated that there are 1,369 children living in Ireland with a life-limiting illness. As there are limited cases of paediatric life-limiting illnesses many cases appeared to be spread over a wide geographical area and this is bound to pose problems for organisations, influencing the levels of available expertise, training and costs European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC) Taskforce (2007). However, under the directions of the DOHC (2010) policy it has recognised that if effective palliative care is required, it can be successfully delivered even if resources are limited. Bear ing this is mind, the DOHC (2001), illustrated that there were three levels of palliative care, a minimum of level 1 should be practiced by all staff indifferent of their area of expertise. The role of outreach nurses incorporates the training needs of staff at a local level (DoHC 2010). Furthermore, within the DoHC (2010) document it states there is a requirement for a consultant paediatrician with an interest in palliative care. However, some criticism with lack of limited research within this field and the majority of guidelines are based on opinions and a need for evidence based medicine Straatman et al (2008). The All Ireland Institute for Hospices and Palliative care (2007) identified that educational programmes were being made available for staff caring for children with a life-limiting illness. This was done in order to raise standards and provide up-to-date evidenced based care for children with a life-limiting illness. However, these programmes are located in Northern Ireland; recent economic difficulties do not promote attendance of staff to courses due to the financial burden and reduced staffing levels within organisations. However, within the current policy the DOHC (2010) have acknowledged that staff should ideally have knowledge, skills and confidence in both childrens and palliative care practices when providing paediatric palliative care. Many of the nurses who are experience within this field appear to work within the acute setting. While et al (1996) identifies that families have expressed a wish that when the time comes their child could die at home, however, there was some unease that without adequate nursing support this would not be possible. The Health Service Executive plan to implement a hospice home care programme, combined with a group of skilled and knowledgeable nurses providing advice and support to parents and other professionals alike who are caring for children at home (DoHC 2010). Benini et al (2008) advocates that a paediatric hospice is an important link within the paediatric palliative care chain, it can aid the transition from hospital to home, with the aim to achieve some normalisation within the childs life and prepare them for the home environment. The Cancer Strategy (2007) sets out principles outlining the ways in which palliative care service for the adult population should be developed and met. This is reiterated globally within the World Health Organisation (2007) document. Moreover, The Department of Aging and Disability Home Care (2004) produced a report more specific to the needs of an individual with intellectual disabilities identifying how policies and procedures can be implemented to achieve standardised practice. On a paediatric level, the publication of a national policy is a starting point for things to come. The DoHC (2010) aims to provide training in paediatric palliative care, thus improving standards for those afflict with a life limi ting illness. Literature informs the author that both the hospice and the home have equal credibility when implementing palliative care principles. However, firsthand experience speaks for itself, Time is precious and whatever time a child has left should be used to ensure they are as happy as possible in a home environment ODwyer-Quinn (2010), this is a profound and very heartfelt message sent out by a mother who suffered the loss of her little girl, 5 years later, she remains heavily involved and at the forefront of paediatric palliative care, contributing and present at the unveiling of the national policy on paediatric palliative care in March this year.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Crusades Essay -- essays research papers
In the year of 1095, Pope Urban II started what we know as the Holy Wars or the Crusades. Over the period from 1095-1464, a series of military expeditions were fought to take back the Holy Land, Jerusalem, from the Seljuk Turks. There were eight crusades, which were spurred for many different reasons by many different people that left a lasting effect to the world. These years of bloodshed were led by men of power to gain control over the Holy Land of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was extremely important to the Muslims and Christians at this time. Many religious events had happened there, and many of the landmarks of both religions were located in Jerusalem. The Crusaders failed to regain the Holy Land, but the Eastern connections opened Europe to a brighter understanding of optimistic ways of living and thinking. There have been many arguments as to what fuelled the Crusades, and religious fanaticism is one of them. Jerusalem is a holy city to both the Muslims and the Christians because many historic religious events have taken place there. In Jerusalem there is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which stands of the hill where Christ was believed to have been crucified, died, buried, and where he rose again. Now if Jerusalem was so important to both the Muslims and Christians of course they would fight to keep it or gain control of it. Pope Urban II called for the first crusade to free the Holy Land from the Seljuk Turks that took over in 1070. In his speech he said, â€Å"Seize the land ...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
A Study of Literature Isms :: essays papers
People change through every generation. But the bidding force through all the generations has been literature. There are four essential classifications for literature, romanticism, realism, naturalism, and existentialism. Romanticism centers â€Å"around art as inspiration, the spiritual and aesthetic dimension of nature, and metaphors of organic growth†(VanSpanckeren, â€Å"The Romantic Period: Essayist and Poets†). VanSpanckeren says that in his essay â€Å"The Poet†, Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of the most influential writer of the Romantic era, asserts: For all men live by truth, and stand in need in expression. In love, in art, in avarice, in politics, in labor, in games, we study to utter our painful secret. The man is only half himself, the other half is expression (qtd. in â€Å"The Romantic Period: Essayist and Poets†). Romantic literature came from a reaction to the neoclassicism and formal orthodoxy of the preceding period (Holman and Harmon). â€Å"Romanticism arose so gradually and exhibited so many phases that a satisfactory definition is not possible†(Holman and Harmon). According to VanSpanckeren, the development of the self became a major theme in romanticism; self- awareness was a primary method. According to the Romantic theory, self and nature are the same, and self- awareness is not a selfish dead end but a mode of knowledge opening up the universe (VanSpankeren, â€Å"The Romantic Period: Essayists and Poets†). With this new found idea of self, new compound words with positive meanings emerged: self- realization, self- expression, and self- reliance (VanSpankeren, â€Å"The Romantic Period: Essayist and Poets†). Romanticism stresses individualism, affirmed the value of the common person, and looked to the inspired imagination for its aesthetic and ethical values (VanSpankeren, â€Å"The Romantic Period: Essayists and Poets†). In New England, Romanticism prospered, the New England transcendentalists, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and their associates, were inspired to a new optimistic affirmation by the romanticism ideas (VanSpanckeren, â€Å"The Romantic Period: Essayists and Poe ts†). The transcendentalists believed that the soul of each individual was thought to be identical with the world (VanSpanckeren, â€Å"The Romantic Period: Essayist and Poets†). Some examples of romantic writers are the New England transcendentalists (Emerson, Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Margaret Fuller, Bronson Alcott, and William Ellery Channing), Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Edgar Allen Poe (VanSpanckeren, â€Å"The Romantic Period: Essayists and Poets†). The New England transcendentalist carried the expression of philosophical and religious ideas to a high level through essays and lectures (Holman and Harmon). Ralph Waldo Emerson’s first publication, Nature,
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Childhood Is the Happiest Time of a Person’s Life Essay
I do agree the idea that the most joyful time for every person without any doubt would be their childhood. Since people are different in many areas, they may have different opinions about the reasons; however, I believe that childhood is the happiest time because first children at that age do not have any special responsibility, and second they are children and their mind and the way they think completely different from teenagers and adults. In other words, their minds are free. First, as a child you do not have to take any noticeable responsibility. You just play and enjoy your daily life. A child does not get into the troubles of for example studying, going to work or even having family duties like a father or mother. In case of everyday life, matures are dealing with a lot of chores and duties. Take the case of a mother for instance, she should have to take care of the house, do the daily chores such as cooking, ironing, cleaning and boring duties like that. Moreover, she has to look after of her child or children too. Considering that she does not have to work like her spouse outside the house. Children’s most important concern would be the size of their bicycle or the number of their toys they possess. Second, as a child your mind is largely free from many things which may cause challenge such as political or financial issues. Furthermore, in that period they tend to make friends much easier unlike teenagers. The things they are looking in a friendship are not materialistic. The purpose of make a link with their peers would not be for using them in further critical situations. They simply make friends to play with each other or to share their toys. Beside mentioned points, their needs are not much complicated. They would become easily happy by giving them a notebook and bunch of color pencils as if they are given a luxury car or a high-ranked position in a company. In conclusion, I consider the childhood time as the most memorable and happiest for everyone mostly because at that age, our expectations from life and other people around us are very simple and would not cause anyone trouble.
Northern NGOs
In this research paper we look at the involvement of Northern NGOs with the developing countries. They are prime donors of most developing countries programs which are geared towards alleviating the welfare of the masses such as improve health and living condition.Local NGOs have been involved as intermediaries between government and the people.The northern NGOs serve their specific agenda and mandate contrary to what the poor rural urban expect.NORTHERN NGOSNorthern NGOs represented international organizations who are donors to developing countries that are are donors such as World Bank and private agencies. Their relation with the south makes it the subject of this research paper. The relationship with governments and nongovernmental organization with them plays a critical role in understanding their mandates and objectives in helping the population in the rural and urban regions.The urban and rural populace has diverse needs ranging from health, unemployment, education, poverty an d access to other services. In this respect governments have been unable to provide these services to their community in an effective and wider coverage manner. For instance, in South Africa, 30 % of the population are unemployed and for the 20% of the poorest households, 53% ere unemployed (Adato & Haddad 2001, p.1).It is also reported that there is need for job creation in all regions inhabited by the poorest households i.e. urban, metropolitan and rural. Based on these facts the governments of countries in the developing world have focused their programs to alleviate these problems e.g. the welfare of the masses, improve living condition, health and service provision (Li 2005).The programs have achieved different success margins and limitations. Most of government programs are constrained in reaching the people because of bureaucracy, authoritarian rule and high cost of implementation. Since most of the programs are financed by international community (Northern NGOs) and governme nts.For instance, in Indonesia the World Bank has developed social development programs to help them achieve their mandate and objectives. In order to do these, they have used analysis of the needs of the regions to come up with the plan. Due to constraints in working with the government directly they have supported and strengthened the local NGOs and civil society organizations (CSOs) to advance their objectives (Li 2005).The rationale use includes improving transparency in village planning level, conflict resolution and step sponsorship of NGOs. However NGOs have their own limitations such as the leaders use as a vehicle for reformation of social and political life. The World Bank has used neo-liberal system to ensure ‘good governance’ by instituting a competitive process based on administrative and decentralized structures (Li 2005).More so in order for the region to be eligible for support from World Bank it had to proof that it is pro-poor and is supervised by the World Bank team. According to Arya (1999) he explains the role in which NGOs have worked with their government under the funding of donors (government agencies, private agencies and governments). The common objectives for the collaboration include; access to technical resources, gain legitimacy or recognition from the people, obtain appropriate solution and developmental problems, enhance people’s participation and provide better accountability, transparency and public reform system (Arya 1999).Donors view NGOs as intermediaries or transitory to government links to people and use them to as instruments of improved service delivery and outreach to the government. The donors see their task as completed when NGOs are involved in the project programs with the government. Most private donors do not support or supervise the selection criterion even when there is resistance from the government. However, they can play a key role in establishing mechanism to bring NGOs so that they have a beneficial effect on service delivery, participation and decentralization (Arya 1999).Northern NGOs for the past decade have increased funding to southern NGOs with due to limitation effectiveness of delivery, reforms, cost efficiency, sustainability and participation from the government. DeGabriele (2002), when studying about improvement of community based management projects. He previewed the World Health Organization commitment to provide access to safe and clean water.But from the experiences gathered two challenges emerged; water accessibility could not be achieved with the rate of population growth and the intended improvements to health were not realized within 1980 – 1990 decade. This becomes the redefinition of the concept of community management within water sector. It was realized that water accessibility could only be achieved with participatory role implemented (DeGabriele 2002).AED (1998) elaborates on the participatory approach used to i.e. the par ticipatory learning and Action approach which involves communities to analyze their needs, identify possible solutions and develop, implement and evaluate the plan of action. In contrast NGOs can have negative implication to the poor because they can use them to legitimize their existence, solicit funds and raise their profile for the disadvantage of the poor. Changes in their positive attitude will go way to bring positive results (AED 1998, Kaiser 2000, p. 6).CONCLUSIONNorthern NGOs play critical role in financing development programs to developing countries. They have been involved directly or indirectly with government depending on the nature and intensity of the resources used and the origin of the donor. Most private agencies finance the local NGOs who are viewed as intermediaries or transitory link between the government and people. The donors have used them to enhance their agenda and mandate to ensure good governance of project- programs they agree with the government. REFE RENCEAdato, M.; Haddad, L, 2001, Poverty targets, community-based public works programs: a cross-disciplinary assessment in South Africa, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Available from:> [8 April 2008]AED, 1998, Empowering communities: participatory techniques for community-based programme development, Academy for Educational Development, Washington DC, AvailableArya, V, 1999, Towards a relationship of significance: lessons from a decade ofcollaboration between government and NGOs in Rajasthan, India,  Agricultural Research and Extension Network (AgREN), Available from: [8April 2008]DeGabriele, J, 2002, Improving community based management of boreholes†a case study from Malawi Land Tenure Centre, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Available from [8April 2008]Kaiser, T, 2000, Participatory & beneficiary-based approaches in evaluation ofhumanitarian programmes, Evaluation and Policy Analysis Unit (EPA U), UNHCR, Available from :<> [8April 2008]Li, T, 2005, The government through community; the World Bank in Indonesia, University of Toronto, Available from: [8April 2008]
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